Chapter 23: A promise kept

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I walk away from Legolas, shame clouding me at my foolishness for thinking he would truly feel the same for me. We have spent too much time together is all. And we are friends. Always close friends...with the possibility of a mutual attraction, but nothing further than that.

Besides, I have already told him that once my duty here is done, I will sail West.

I walk until I find Aragorn dressing in his armour, chainmail hanging down his body beneath his tunic.

Legolas approaches him from across the room—now wearing shoulder pads beneath his cloak—and I stand silently at the side to watch him pick up Aragorn's sword, the crownless king turning to him in slight surprise.

"We have trusted you this far, you have not led us astray," Legolas says quickly. "Forgive me. I was wrong to despair."

Aragorn shakes his head. "Ú-moe edhored, Legolas." He clasps his hand on his shoulder.
(There is nothing to forgive, Legolas.)

Legolas puts his hand on Aragorn's shoulder in return, the pair smiling to each other. I smile myself knowing all is well between them again, turning when Gimli approaches beside me, chainmail caught around the middle of his body that he tries to pull down.

"If we had time, I'd get this adjusted." He grumbles.

I lean forward to tug at the chainmail and watch as it falls down, a large portion of it trailing on the floor due to his height—or lack of height.

My hand flies to my mouth to stifle a laugh as Aragorn and Legolas smirk in amusement.

"It's a little tight across the chest..."

I lower my hand and open my mouth to respond, but a horn cuts me off and I turn to the sound, my eyes wide.

Legolas turns as well, "That is no Orc horn."

"It cannot be," I whisper in disbelief before taking off in a run.

My companions follow close behind me as I run through the keep, out into the courtyard and practically fly down the stone steps. The steady, soft march of my kin meets my ears as I turn the last corner, stopping halfway down the stairs.

Lorien Elves, so many of them, cloaked and hooded stand before us. And leading them, standing proudly;

"Haldir," I stare at him in utter shock as he stands before the king. Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli appear behind me.

"How is this possible?" Theoden asks, shocked as well.

Haldir bows to him. "I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell." He moves his eyes to me, his lips pulled up into a small, half smile. "A white bird came to him in the night..." He looks back to Theoden as I gasp softly. "It reminded him that an alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought...and died together." Haldir looks back to us proudly, "We come to honour that allegiance."

"Hannon le, mellon nîn," I breathe out in relief, running down the remaining stairs and throwing my arms around him, a broad smile on my face. "Thank you, Haldir."
(Thank you, my friend.)

"A promise made, is a promise to be kept, Amariel." He says softly to me as we pull away. Aragorn appears beside me and I step aside, grinning.

"Mae govannen, Haldir." He places his hand to heart, then jumps forward, shocking Haldir by hugging him. I chuckle as Haldir smiles, returning the gesture. "You are most welcome."
(Welcome, Haldir.)

Aragorn then turns to me, pride filling his face as he tilts his head, "Amariel—you did this?"

"Not knowingly." I shake my head, catching eyes with Legolas who beams at me. Aragorn clasps my shoulder regardless, his spirit lifted.

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