Chapter 32: The Palantir

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The celebrations lasted the entire night, and now that Legolas and I have been honest with each other, we can enjoy each other's company with comfort.

I changed back into my travel clothes the first chance I got, glad to be rid of the dress—as nice as it was.

Dawn is not yet upon us and the whole of Edoras sleeps peacefully, including our companions inside the hall. Walking outside, a small smile graces my lips when I see Legolas on the far side of the veranda, the cloak of his hood covering his head.

I stand by his side, noting the tenseness in his body as he stares out at the distance. When I follow his gaze, my own body goes rigid. We are being watched.

His warm hand finds mine, lacing our fingers in a slight sigh.

"I do not like the Palantir we brought back from Isengard." I whisper quietly, a heavy feeling now in my chest despite the glimmer of happiness his actions brings.

He slowly turns his head to me. "Nor I. It is drawing in a great power."

"Death." I correct him. He faces forward again, his eyes scanning the area ahead. "Can you feel that?" I whisper, my eyes wide.

"Yes." He says slowly.

Quiet footsteps approach from behind us—Aragorn. He stands on the other side of Legolas.

"The stars are veiled." Legolas tells him quietly. "Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice." They exchange a look. "The Eye of the enemy is moving."

Legolas and I suddenly freeze, our bodies unmoving as we inhale a sharp breath.

"What is it?" Aragorn asks, looking to us both with concern.

Legolas turns to him with urgency. "He is here."

"The Palantir," I gasp, releasing Legolas' hand before turning and running inside.

The three of us charge down the hallways and I push open the door to the room our companions share.

"Pippin!" I call, my eyes wide as he writhes on the floor, the Palantir glowing furiously in his hands. Aragorn pushes past me to grab it. "Aragorn, don't!"

His body sways and collapses to the floor, Legolas quickly puts his hands on his shoulders to steady him whilst I turn, getting to my knees and looking down at Pippin. He lies still as Merry calls out his name and kneels beside me.

"Pippin?" I ask quietly, my hands on either side of his head as I look down at him, fear coursing through me as he stares at nothing.

"Fool of a Took!" Gandalf turns after covering the Palantir with a blanket, then rushes to us in concern.

I sit back on my heels in time to catch Merry as Gandalf shoves him aside. I wrap my arm over his shoulders and look to Aragorn behind us, who slowly gets up.

Fine. He's fine.

Pippin however...

Gandalf takes his small hand in his own and then places his other on his forehead, mumbling softly.

Legolas and Aragorn stand over us, all of us holding our breath as we look down at them.

Pippin quickly breathes in, his body shaking. I close my eyes in a sigh, Legolas placing a comforting hand on my shoulder as I hold Merry.

"Look at me," Gandalf tells him.

"Gandalf," Pippin whispers. "Forgive me." He closes his eyes, but Gandalf says again,

"Look at me. What did you see?"

Pippin closes his eyes again, pain etched onto his face. "A tree." He nods. "There was a white a courtyard of stone." I look to Aragorn. "It was dead." Pippin whispers, regaining my attention. "The city was burning."

"Minas Tirith?" Gandalf asks. "Is that what you saw?"

"I saw..." Pippin gasps, "I saw him. I could hear his voice in my head."

"And what did you tell him?" Gandalf say quickly, scanning his face. "Speak!"

"He asked me my name. I didn't answer. He hurt me."

"What did you tell him about Frodo and the Ring?"

Pippin stares at him, breathing deeply. "Nothing."

"You're sure?"

"I said nothing. I swear it."

I watch Gandalf sit back and nod, so I turn to Aragorn behind me. "Are you alright?"

"Fine." Aragorn dips his chin. "I held it for only a moment."

I turn to Pippin and stroke his head gently, trying to soothe him as Gandalf stands and paces the room for a short while before turning to us. "This is not good news...but it also is. We now know his plan."

"We must warn them." Aragorn says quietly to him, frowning.

"We will." Gandalf nods. "We will."


As the sun rises we all gather in the main hall to inform Theoden of what happened.

"There was no lie in Pippin's eyes." Gandalf says. "A fool...but an honest fool, he remains. He told Sauron nothing of Frodo and the Ring." He nods. "We've been strangely fortunate. Pippin saw in the Palantir a glimpse of the enemy's plan. Sauron moves to strike the city of Minas Tirith."

From my position beside Aragorn, I look to Theoden, who seems unnerved.

"His defeat at Helm's Deep showed our enemy one thing. He knows the heir of Elendil has come forth." Gandalf nods to Aragorn. "Men are not as weak as he supposed. There is courage still—strength enough perhaps to challenge him. Sauron fears this." He shakes his head. "He will not want the peoples of Middle-Earth uniting under one banner."

Theoden looks down, thinking, so Gandalf continues,

"He will raise Minas Tirith to the ground before he sees a king return to the throne of Men. If the beacons of Gondor are lit, Rohan must be ready for war."

"Tell me," Theoden gains our attention, "why should we ride to the aid of those who did not come to ours?" Everyone looks to him now in shock. "What do we owe Gondor?"

"What did the Elves owe you when they came to Helm's Deep?" I frown.

"Nothing." He counters, turning to me. "They came at your request."

I growl, "I requested nothing, it was my father's own decision to help!"

"I will go." Aragorn quickly places a hand on my arm as I glare at Theoden.

"No," Gandalf tells him.

"They must be warned." He says sharply.

"They will be." Gandalf says calmly, walking towards us and leaning in close to Aragorn to say quietly, "You must come to Minas Tirith by another road. Follow the river. Look to the black ships."

Aragorn and I watch him closely, and then he nods once.

"Understand this," Gandalf says loudly, turning. "Things are now in motion that cannot be undone. I ride for Minas Tirith..." he turns to Pippin, "and I won't be going alone."

"Good fortune to you." Theoden says over his shoulder as he walks away. "You will need it." Gandalf huffs at his back.

"What do you want us to do?" I ask.

He glances to me. "Prepare yourselves, and convince Theoden to ride when the time comes." I nod to him as he walks towards the four of us. "In three days, look to the beacons."

We all nod and watch as he turns and walks out of the hall, taking Pippin with him.

"We are alone again." Gimli huffs. seems we are.


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