Chapter 31: Heart to heart

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A large crowd gathers on the grass bank outside, including all our companions and friends. The fast setting sun paints the sky with hues of orange and pink.

"What is going on?" Eowyn asks softly as she pushes through the crowd with concern.

"It's Amariel and Aragorn, they're going to duel!" Merry grins.

"What?" She looks down at us both. "Aragorn will win, surely."

"That's what I said." Pippin nods, then hiccups. I raise an eyebrow at them.

"Have some faith in me, friends."

"I put a bronze coin on Amariel." Merry nods to me, and I smile then.

Aragorn turns to them in shock. "We are not betting on this!"

"A silver on Lord Aragorn!" Someone calls out, then more shouts follow as people place bets.

"Ten gold coins!" Theoden calls, silencing the group. He smirks, looking to me, "On the Lady Amariel."

"My Lord!" Aragorn exclaims, slightly offended as I laugh.

"What?" Theoden laughs. "She is more stubborn than you are, Aragorn, and was likely trained long before you were born."

I shrug, "That is true." Aragorn turns to me, and I smirk at him. "Feel free to yield, brother."

"Never." He smiles.

"Gandalf?" Theoden asks.

Gandalf looks to him, then back to us. We watch him closely and he shakes his head. "Oh—no, no. I shan't. I will remain impartial." He clears his throat and nods again. "Good you both."

Legolas walks over to us, glancing between us and holding out two blunt swords. We take them from him.

"A fair fight!" He calls, stepping back and glancing between us. "I do not want to see either of you cheat."

Aragorn points his sword to him. "You will not monitor this. You would likely let her murder me if it brought a smile to her face!"

"I would not." Legolas says to him, slightly offended and taken aback by his words.

Aragorn raises an eyebrow, then turns to Gandalf, who replaces Legolas at the front of the group.

I smile, twirling my sword as the group quiets.

Aragorn turns to me and points to the hall. "Would you care to change clothes, my Lady?"

"Why?" I tilt my head. "You think I cannot beat you in a dress?"

The crowd laughs and Aragorn raises his hands in surrender.

"So be it."

"Take your positions." Gandalf calls, resting his staff on the ground. "Ten paces apart."

"Absolutely not." I declare, raising my sword with my arm outstretched. "We are to do this the Elven way." I tilt my head and smirk at Aragorn. "As we were raised."

Aragorn inclines his head to me in agreement, walking closer and raising his sword too. The points of each rest against our hearts as we regard each other.

"Ready..." Gandalf calls. "Duel!"

I quickly swerve under Aragorn's sword and twirl as I bring mine back around but Aragorn blocks me. We jump back from each other, clashing swords until I push him away, turning my body to the side.

I face him again, our swords colliding quickly as we parry with one another across the bank. My hair flies around as I spin to attack, but Aragorn blocks my blow.

Ithildin - Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now