Chapter 4: The Council

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"Frodo, Bilbo." I greet the two Hobbits out on a terrace, overlooking the city of Rivendell. "Good morning."

"Ah!" Bilbo smiles at me broadly. "Amariel, hello, my dear. How are you?"

"I'm well, thank you." I nod. "And yourself?"

"Good, good." Bilbo nods.

"Frodo," I turn to him. "I'm glad to see you up on your feet."

He nods, a small smile on his face though he seems concerned. "Yes, so am I."

"If I may..." I start. "You seem troubled."

He hesitates. "There is to be a meeting, so I am told."

I nod. "To decide the fate of the Ring, yes." I look down at him, able to feel the dark power emitting from such a small being, who holds a great evil.

"It must be unbearable for you." I say quietly. "I can hardly stand to be in its presence." I add quickly, "Not to say, I don't enjoy your company."

"No," he says quietly, Bilbo watching him intently. "I understand exactly what you mean. Will you be there?" He suddenly asks. "At the meeting?"

I smile, "My father would probably murder me on the spot. So, of course I will be."


The day of the Council arrives, and I decide to comply to my father's bidding of wearing more formal attire for the occasion. My dress is pale blue, floor length and is elegant, yet modest. I braid the top half of my hair back, leaving a strand on either side of my face to hang free whilst the rest fall down my back in waves.

I glance longingly at my daggers that I part with before leaving.

In the courtyard where the Council takes place, twenty chairs are placed in a semi circle, with three in a line at the head, all full. Elves, Men, Dwarves, Gandalf and Frodo all sit whilst my father stands to address them all.

"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old..." My father trails off and turns his head to me as I walk towards him, frowning. "Amariel—"

"My apologies," I smile sweetly as all eyes are on me, "I didn't know what to wear for the occasion."

My father releases a frustrated breath, whilst Aragorn and Frodo chuckle quietly, and I see a flicker of a smile on Legolas' lips.

"Amariel—" A flicker of annoyance crosses my father's features.

"This is a secret meeting, is it not?" One of the Dwarves speaks up, his voice deep and gruff.

"Indeed, but it has been prolonged enough, so sit, Amariel and let us begin." Gandalf gives my father a look, who in turn gives me a pointed glare as if to say, 'we will talk later'.

I sit in a vacant seat beside Aragorn, who turns his head to me, and I smile innocently, causing him to shake his head slightly, but a faint trace of amusement crosses his features.

"As I was've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite...or you will fall." Everyone looks around the area subtly, trying to read each other. "Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom." My father looks around before turning to Frodo and gesturing to a stand situated in the middle, "Bring forth the Ring, Frodo."

The Hobbit stands and walks towards the stand, everyone watching him as he reaches out and placing something atop. The One Ring.

As soon as the Ring is visible, whispers start around the Council, it's power calling out to be touched, to be held. To be used.

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