Chapter 22: Low spirits

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We follow Theoden through the keep, people continuing past us through to the caves.

"I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms, to be ready for battle by nightfall." He says to Gamling who bows and walks off.

We follow him onto the causeway—the bridge to the heart of the keep—as men secure the doors with wooden planks on the inside. I glance to them, biting my tongue to stop from saying the remark that mere planks of wood will not keep the Uruk-hai from battling down the doors.

Theoden says, "We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breached the deeping wall or set foot inside the Hornburg."

"This is no rabble of mindless Orcs." Gimli tells him. "These are Uruk-hai. Their armour is thick and their shields broad."

Theoden steps towards him, saying in a low voice. "I have fought many wars, Master Dwarf. I know how to defend my own keep."

He walks back through the gate, Aragorn following and clapping Gimli on the shoulder. Legolas walks behind him, leaving me to look to Gimli as he growls.

"Come on, Gimli." I mumble, following Legolas.

Theoden leads us across the stone walkways of the central keep, soldiers bustling around us as they prepare for battle.

"They will break upon this fortress like water on rock." Theoden calls back to us. "Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn. We've seen it before." He pauses, "Crops can be resown, homes rebuilt."

"Yes," I say quietly, only Gimli and Legolas hearing me, "but can your people be brought back from the dead?"

Legolas glances back to me, silently agreeing.

"We will outlast them." Theoden declares.

"They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages." Aragorn tells him. "They come to destroy its' people, down to the last child."

Theoden suddnely turns to him, grabbing his cloak. "What would you have me do?" He hisses quietly. "Look at my men. Their courage hangs by a thread. If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance." He turns away, but Aragorn says to him,

"Send out riders, my Lord. You must call for aid."

Walking back to him, Theoden asks quietly, "And who will come? Elves? Dwarves?" He inclines his head to the three of us behind Aragorn. "We are not so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead."

"Gondor will answer." Aragorn says proudly.

"Gondor?" Theoden growls, stepping closer. "Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell? Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us? Where was Gon—" he cuts himself off, looking down. "No, my Lord Aragorn...we are alone."

As Theoden walks away, I look to my companions beside me. appears we are.

I look to the hills far away from us on the mountain. I cannot yet see the army approaching, but can feel something drawing near.

"We still have Gandalf." I say, looking back to Aragorn.

He turns to me and nods. "Yes. We have some hope left."

"Hope dwindles," Legolas says quietly as Aragorn walks away, turning to me. "As you say."

I incline my head in slight agreement. "Yes..." I sigh before following.


The women, young children and elderly of Rohan are ushered into the caves deep within the keep. With only one way in or out, they will either be safe, or they will perish. Their fate in our hands.

I stand in the armoury beside Gimli, leaning against a pillar as I sharpen my sword, my face set hard as we watch the men and boys around us receive their weapons.

Too old...too young...too weak.

"Farmers, farriers, stable boys." Aragorn voices, giving a slight shake of his head. "These are no soldiers."

"Most have seen too many winters." Gimli says.

"Or too few." Legolas adds, turning. "Look at them," his voice dangerously rises in volume, "they are frightened. You can see it in their eyes."

Silence quickly falls around us, the men looking in disbelief. I look up at them, watching closely.

Legolas turns as he paces, catching my eye before he faces Aragorn again. "Boe a hûn. Neled herain...dan caer menig?!"
(And they should be. Three hundred...against ten thousand?!)

Aragorn hesitates, looking around at the eyes watching them. "Si beriathar hýn amar nâ ned Edoras."
(They have more hope of defending themselves here than Edoras.)

"Aragorn." Legolas says, his voice low, "Men i ndagor hýn úortheri, natha daged aen!"
(Aragorn. They cannot win this fight, they are going to die!)

"Then I shall die as one of them!" Aragorn shouts in the common tongue, stepping forward.

I glance around warily and lower my hands, catching Gimli's eye. If they did not already have everyone's attention, they do now.

A frustrated look passes between the two friends before Aragorn turns and walks away. Legolas steps forward to follow, but Gimli stops him.

"Let him go, lad. Let him be."

As the men carry on again, their spirits deflated even further, Legolas turns to us, his face falling in shame. I sheathe my sword, stepping towards him. He looks up into my eyes but before I can say anything, he walks past me and out of the armoury.

I stare after his retreating figure, frowning.

"Well?" Gimli says, watching me. "Go after him, then."

I turn to him, shocked. "What?"

"Go!" He says gruffly. "If anyone can lift that stubborn Elf into higher spirits, it's you."

I nod slowly and follow where Legolas went.

Night starts to fall around us, the sky growing darker with each second that passes. I find him standing on the outer wall, looking out to the distance.

"Forgive me," he says quietly when I approach, staring ahead.

I frown, standing beside him. "Whatever for?"

He does not turn to me and keeps his voice low. "I do not like to disappoint you."

"Legolas," I sigh quietly, bringing my hand up to cup his strong jaw and turning his head towards me. Surprise lights up in his face as he watches me. "Nolde nîd dîl nië."
(You could never disappoint me.)

He frowns then as he looks down at my face. "Nin nauth aníron nad na venia?" His voice is barely above a whisper, yet I hear him perfectly.
(Not even for my selfish heart?)

My lips part in confusion as he turns his body towards me, so I say strongly, "Nin hîr na vedui, nim themen na se."
(Your heart is not selfish, do not say such a thing.)

I place my other hand against his chest—above his heart—and search his face. He covers my hand with his own instantly, his head slightly leaning into the touch of my palm against his cheek. His eyes fall closed for a brief moment and I cherish this closeness to him, the intimacy flowing between us.

I think back to earlier, to his arms holding me tight as he whispered in my ear; calming me, calling me moonlight. And yesterday...where I thought for sure we may kiss—my heart beats quickly now.

Slowly, Legolas opens his eyes, moving my hands away from his body and holding them gently. He looks down at them cupped in his own and dips his brow.

"I must, for it is true." His blue eyes flick up to mine before he quickly looks down again and lets go of my hands.

I step back, suddenly embarrassed for thinking that this was a moment our feelings would be shared as mutual. Clearly, I have been wrong.

"Amariel," he says hesitantly, but stops when two soldiers clamber up the stairs and past us, their armour clanking. Legolas turns his head away, closing his eyes in a sigh...and I walk away.


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