Chapter 39: Finding peace

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A deep voice echoes around me.


I search through closed eyes, but I cannot see him.

"I am here, Amariel. Open your eyes."

I do so, seeing him before me. "Haldir," I whisper.

He smiles at me.

I look around but cannot see anything. Cannot feel anything. "Am I dead?"

"No, Amariel. It is not your time."

I look to him. "Where is Daria? Is she here too? Do I get to say goodbye, is that what this is?"

"No." He smiles softly. "Daria has found her peace."

My breath hitches. "And you...have not?"

Haldir comes closer. "Not yet, not until I say this." He places a soft kiss on my forehead. "Be happy, Amariel. Do not feel guilt for staying true to your heart, for it was not meant for me. I know that now, and I do not regret it."

I sigh, feeling a tear roll down my cheek...but it is not there.

"Be happy, and do not allow anyone to stand in the way of it." He smiles softly. "You can be quite convincing when you need to."

I smile. "I have been told that, yes."

He sighs as he steps back. "It is time now. You must go. I must go."

"Goodbye...Haldir." I choke on a sob as I watch him leave. "And...thank you, for loving me...even though I could not return it."

"No, Amariel." His voice starts to fade...he starts to fade. "Thank you, for allowing me to love you until my end."

I gasp softly, now alone, as my eyes drift close again.


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