Chapter 27:

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its true. 

all hell did break loose. 

she starting choking and gagging for air, screaming at someone to stop doing this to her. 

they calmed her down eventually.

well...not exactly...

shes being heavily watched in our room at all hours of the day, constantly being looked after. 

she told the doctors that she knew; she had figured out exactly what was happening to her.

but they must've erased the information from her memory before she could spill. 

sitting in the white plush chair in the corner ive been waiting for results. 

suddenly a well dressed man with soft blonde hair not much unlike my own walks into the room and a few of them seem suprised. 

"Oh, my Catiliana." he says taking her hand in his. 

i rise from my seat and turn to look at him.

"who are you?" i ask as politley as i can. 

"i might ask you the same question.what are you doing here?" the man says, towering at least 2 inches above me. 

god, he sounds like hes from the Capitol.

"i live here."

" Monsieur Mellark is her majesty's husband." one of the nurses says looking down. 

"right." the man says laughing. "i think you're a little confused." the man says. 

"Alistair." i hear Cat say before sitting up with a terrified look on his face.

"my dear." he says rushing to her side.

"what's he doing here! get him away from me!" she cries frantically, cowering to the other corner of the bed and trembling like crazy.

"Cat?" i ask cautiously.

"Peeta! get him away from me!" she pleads and i stand between her and him, shielding her from any harm that may come her way. 

"you cant be serious!" he shouts. "who is this?" he motions to me. "this? and who are you to say what i can and cant do, princess!" he screams at her and she burrows into me, clinging to me like her life depends on it. "i'll be speaking with your mother." he concludes, thrusting his quite feminine looking ape behind he, making a dramatic exit into the hall. 

"Cat? whats going on are you okay?" i ask sincerely. 

"theres something i need to tell you." she says giving me that looks that means to add 'alone.'

"is she okay? for an hour at least?" i ask her doctor and he nods slightly, giving me that knowing look that says 'i'll give you a few minutes.'

"make sure he never comes near me again." she says gently, hugging me tightly.

"i promise. who is he?"

"Alistair Wood. the Prince of England." she stammers out. 

"England? then why is he here, how does he know you?"

"i've known him since i was 5 and he was 8. and i've always despised him." she says with that look in her eye that tells me shes remembering something. "did i ever tell you about the great french death?" she asks.


"well. France was supposed to end two years ago, but i ruined it all, all of the plans." she says wiping under her eyes a little. "we were going to merge the countries." she adds.

"alright. whats wrong with that?"

"there are two ways to undertake a nation. you have Snow's way- brutal warfare. and then the other way." she says. 

"whats the other way."

"this is why my family hates you. why i messed it all up, why they're after me now." she cries.

"what? what is it?" i press.

"the other way.... is through arranged marriage." she says. "Peeta i've been betroved since i was 10, and it makes me sick!" 

"to him?" i ask softly.

"yeah. and he wont leave me alone. i thought that maybe with me being gone, he would forget, there would be a new plan, but no. its all coming back to shit on my face." she pouts slightly.


"because i loved you." the past tense loved makes me cringe a little.

reminds me that shes still battling the images in her head against the ones in her heart. 

"does he know?" i ask. "about the twins?"

"no. he didnt know you existed until this morning. i was just doing what i could to protect you." she says.

"i'm not the one who needs to be protected." i say looking straight into her eyes. 

which then suddenly slam shut, her hands over her head, face between her knees, curled up in fear of something.

"come on. come on." she keeps muttering. 

then her eyes study the lines of my face.

"did you uncover another memory." i ask happily.

"no" she says smiling. but then it falters into a look of sadness. "its a feeling." she says.

"well thats good too." i say. "what are you feeling?"

"im going to do something. but dont get your hopes up, because after im going to rip your heart out." she says meaningfully.

i go to respond but she tackles me over and kisses me more desperatley then ever before. 

i smile but she starts crying silently. "i remember, i feel." she says. "everything." she adds.

"thats great!" i say diving back in, pressing my lips everywhere on her body, but she pulls away reluctantly.

"no. Peeta, its not okay." she says. "i remember everything." 

"whats wrong?" i ask. "doesnt that mean its over?"

"yes Peeta. it is over. im over. Peeta, they're going to kill me."





























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