Chapter 3

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I slowly moved my head to the right of the trash can, feeling nauseous with fear not knowing what scene my eyes would be met with next.No more than 4 footsteps away Jesse lay on the ground clutching his leg and screaming out in pain, there didn't appear to be anybody else around. The adrenalin inside of me pushed me by his side, I didn't care how much danger I was in I just needed to make sure he was okay. "Jesse it's okay you're going to be okay" I soothed as I bent down beside him, he was loosing a dangerous amount of blood so I immediately took out my phone and began dialling 911.

"No please don't dial 911" Jesse pleaded, I understood that he was probably armed with something whether it be drugs or a weapon of some sort. Racking my brain for ideas of what to do I took off my jacket and rolled it up into large ball shape. "Lift up your head" I said as calmly as my nerves would allow me, Jesse lifted up his head and seemed to be propped up a little. Quickly needing a compress to help stop the bleeding I swiftly rummaged through my rucksack and came across an unopened packet of tissues. "Leah it's dangerous out here, You really shouldn't be here" Jesse winced, I grabbed as many tissues from the pack as humanly possible and placed them over the wound and pressed as hard as I could. "I'm going nowhere until I know you're okay!" I snapped, immediately regretting my tone.

"I need you to do something for me, pass me my cell phone" he announced, making sure my one hand was adding enough pressure I used my free hand to locate his cell. "Why do you need your phone?" I asked with a curious tone. "I need you to phone someone for me and tell them where I am they'll know what to do" Jesse looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Who am I phoning?" I asked nervously. "I can't tell you don't tell them your name just ask them to come" he said which worried me. Jesse handed me the phone and I saw that the number was on speed dial as I waited for an answer I didn't know what was soon heading my way.

"Jesse! is that you"

"Uh no it's a friend of his! please come quick it's Jesse he's hurt someone shot him and I don't know what to do" my voice weakened as the reality of the situation hit me.

"what! where are you?"

"The deserted parking lot just south of Los Pollos Hermanos"

"Okay! I'm on my way, make sure his head is elevated and make sure you're adding pressure to the wound"

"I've already done that I just don't know how long I'll be able to keep him like this for, he's loosing a huge amount of blood"

"I'm on my way!"

As I handed Jesse's phone back to him all sorts of thoughts washed over me. It didn't even cross my mind what the time was and I didn't even think that my parents would be seriously worried about me not being home yet. Soon after two unkempt looking guy's approached us. I sighed with relief as I saw that it was Skinny Pete and Badger who are dear friends of Jesse I had met them a few times so I knew them.                                                                                                                                                                                          "Thank god you're here, what took you so long?" Jesse winched, Badger's eyes lit up when he saw how large the dressing on Jesse's leg was.                                                                                                                           "Shit dude that's one impressive wound, let me look" Badger tried to remove the dressing.                        "Can't you see that he needs to go to the hospital?" I spat, why on earth had Jesse called these two douche bags I thought to myself. Just as I was about to loose my patience a RV type van pulled into the parking lot.

Skinny Pete immediately picked Jessie's hands up and Badger dragged his legs, with that they dragged him over to the RV, I couldn't stop them they were much to strong for me all I could do was hope that they would get him some medical attention.                                                                                                 "Leah go home mom and dad will be out of their minds" Jesse said as he neared the RV.                             "I don't care what they're thinking I'm coming with you" I announced.                                                                 "No Under 21's allowed at my place sorry pretty little lady" Skinny Pete added.                                               "What about your cat he's not 21" Badger argued.                                                                                                           "Shut up dude just get on with it" Skinny Pete groaned. Once they  loaded Jesse into the RV they allowed me to say goodbye to him, Badger promised to let me know how he was via text message. A basic looking mobile phone came flying out of the window.                                                                                         "Keep hold of this, I'll ring you on this number" Badger said with a grin on his face.

As soon as the RV sped off I broke down, my body shook and tears poured out of my eyes. I panicked not knowing what I had just let myself in for, Why was Jesse whisked away so secretly? and why was I given a random phone to keep hold of? Jesse wouldn't bring any harm my way but I was starting to suspect otherwise. I walked home as fast as I could I needed to get out of my blood stained clothes, I was so glad I was wearing dark colours because light colours would have drawn attention.My hands shook as I put the key in the keyhole I couldn't open the door fast enough, once I had let myself in and the door closed behind me. Mom, dad and Jake joined me in the hall way.

"Oh my goodness baby where have you been? you look awful what's happened?" Mom soothed as she pulled me close and kissed my head, my mind wanted me to fight her off but my body wouldn't allow me  so I just collapsed into her arms tears yet again pouring from my eyes. Out of the corner of my eye I saw dad walking Jake into the living room closing the door behind them. Mom grabbed my right hand and guided me to the bottom of the stairs, we both sat down.                                                              "What's happened?" Mom asked with concern in her voice, I had to quickly make up an excuse I couldn't let on that I was with Jesse. Part of me wanted to tell her the truth but I couldn't.

"I was with a boy and.........." I stuttered, Mom took a deep breath and cut me off before I could carry on speaking.                                                                                                                                                                                       "Please don't tell me someone hurt you" Mom said as a tear threatened to spill from her eyes, I quickly pulled away from her embrace.                                                                                                                                 "No Mom! I fell that's all, I banged my head but I'm fine I promise, I just wanted my mom is all" I lied.    "Oh Leah I'm taking you to the emergency room, just for a check up, head injuries can be dangerous" Mom panicked. The night couldn't have got worse, I just wanted to go to sleep and put an end to the awful day. 

"ADAM! come on we've gotta get Leah to the hospital" Mom shouted, dad rushed in with Jake by his side.                                                                                                                                                                                                         "Okay okay! what's happened?" Dad asked quickly rushing to my side.                                                                  "What! is she okay?" Jake asked looking worried, I really didn't know what to do what a mess I had gotten myself into.                                                                                                                                                                            "Look I'm fine I don't need any treatment it was just a small knock!" I shouted, a little too loudly.            "I don't care! a knock is one knock too many. We're going and that's final!" Mom persisted. As we made our way out to the car I felt my legs give way and my head throb intensely, I couldn't understand why because I hadn't banged my head I fought to stay on my feet but I just couldn't stand it any more I took a deep breath before the moonlight turned to sudden dark.

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