Chapter 8

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Walt asked to meet me the following afternoon, I was hesitant at first but I took him up on his offer because despite my anger I still wanted to help Jesse.
"I'm sorry that yesterday was such a bombshell for you! Jesse wanted to protect you from the truth but I felt that keeping it from you was the worst decision possible"'Walt announced as we headed for the dessert area of our hometown.
"In a funny sort of way I'm actually quite glad you told me, ever since I've been young my parents have tried to keep Jesse's antics away from me and Jake in hope that we would still continue to be good at school and stuff. But actually knowing the truth motivates me more to be a good person and help my brother, family is the most important thing in the world and mom and dad trying to keep us away from him is only going to make things worse" I added, one thing that my parents always asked me to do was protect Jake at school but Jake wasn't the one that needed protecting it was in actual fact Jesse.

"Thank you for understanding, I Knew I was doing right by telling you, you're a sensible girl" Walt smiled.
"Thanks! Most people think I'm quite the opposite" I chuckled, thinking back to being at school and taunted for my supposed immaturity.
"How so? You're always a good performer in my lessons and seem to get on well with your class mates" Walt frowned, I sighed. 
"If Rebecca and Evie have anything to do with it then they are the ones that try their hardest to put me and my friendship group down" I sighed, I knew I could hold my own but sometimes the comments that were made by Rebecca and Evie made me feel quite the opposite.
"I have a feeling that those 2 shall come to nothing, Walt Jr has had a few problems with them too! People like that have no morals and I think their behaviour all pans out to jealously" Walt certainly had a good way with words.
The fact that they have picked on Walt Jr makes me feel sick to my stomach.

After a short drive of around 15-20 minuets Walt's car came to a sudden but eased stop. We were outside a dirty looking RV it looked as old as the hills and didn't look very appealing at all.
"This is where all the magic happens" Walt announced proudly as he got out of his car and unlocked the door of the RV.
"No offence Mr White but it actually looks horrendous" I laughed, I was quite intrigued to see what was inside though.
"Sometimes the eye can deceive, you should never judge a book by its cover Leah"he proclaimed, what seemed to me like being in teacher mode. 
As we both entered the RV I was shocked to see Jesse sleeping on a mattress, I looked at my watch and realised that it was 2pm that was sure a late time to still be in bed.

"JESSE! Up you get we have a guest" Walt called, Jesse stirred and rubbed his eyes.
"Yo bitch we ain't expecting nobody"' He yawned, standing up but not noticing me standing alongside Walt.
"Leah what are you doing here?" Jesse asked, surprised to see me.
"I'm here to give you guys a hand, I'm an expert at cooking!" I said with glee, in hope of adding some humour to the situation.
"You've got to be kidding me?" Jesse at this point had his mouth open wide with shock, even Mr White looked a little dumfounded at my latest proposition.
"You're right I am but I'm actually here to help you in another way" I announced with a smile.
"You are? I thought you hated me after what happened at the store yesterday" Jesse had a sad look on his face.
"Yes! And Jesse I don't hate you I was just mad is all I'm sure you would have felt the same if it was me in the same situation as you" I quickly gave him a hug so he could process that I didn't hate him.

"I'm sorry Leah, I'm sorry that you've been dragged into this mess" he said as he hugged me back.
"It's totally fine you know I can handle anything" I chuckled as I stepped out of his grip.
"You're an asset to your family Leah"' Walt smiled as he put on his lab suit.
"Thanks" I smiled as I took a seat on a nearby chair, I was handed a pair of goggles and a lab suit to put on so no fumes could come my way or any possible clues to my whereabouts could be detected. I watched in fascination at what was going on I still couldn't quite believe my eyes I knew it was wrong but now I was in there was nothing I could do.
By the time the cooking session came to an end the sun was setting, time had moved swiftly on, I looked at my phone to see that I had quite a few missed calls from my parents meaning that they were probably worried about me.

"Hey Jesse, I think I should head back now mom and dad have rung me about 10 times each I think I'm a wanted woman" I announced.
"Where did you tell them you were going?" Jesse inquired.
"I told them I was going to head into town to see about buying a new lens for my camera my current one is outdated and that sounded like a good excuse at the time to get out of the house, I've been out a little longer than I planned"'I said through gritted teeth, worried at what my parents were thinking right then and now.
"Don't worry I'll take you home and tell them that you've been at my place, I'll give the place a clean and invite them for dinner tomorrow" Jesse smiled, I hoped mom and dad would actually take him up on the offer.
"Are you sure they'll want to come, if not I'll come anyway and I'll persuade Jake to come too" I said hopefully.
"They would be fools not to, now let's get you home" Jessie beamed confidently placing his arm around me as we walked to his car, I was surprised at how nice it looked to be quite honest, I quickly said goodbye to Walt before we drove off into the sunset.

"Since when did you get hold of such a fine motor Jesse I'm impressed" I looked around and noticed how great his car looked inside and out.
"Just last week, I spent my first week's earnings on it I love it!" He replied proudly.
"I'm serious about this whole rehab thing you know" I said quickly trying to change the subject.
"I don't think I can do it you know" he said seeming a little sad.
"Yes you can! I have faith in you" I proclaimed.
"You and Mr White are the only 2 people that seem to have faith in me" Jesse had disappointment in his eyes.
"It'll be great in there you know, I've been looking at places online and there's some great ones" I said in a hopeful manor.
"We'll see what happens Leah okay?" Hearing those words made me want to change the subject once again.

As we turned into my drive I felt kind of happy it wasn't until we saw Jake sitting on the drive in tears that my once happy mood changed into nothing but utter worry..

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