Chapter 11

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"Jesse!" I shouted as I saw numerous bodies sleeping on the floor of our old living room, the smell of alcohol smoke and drugs filling the air.
"Leah? What're you doing here?" he questioned as he joined me in the living room.
"I came to see what you did to our house it's safe to say my fears have come true" I said, shaking my head I was ashamed.
"Relax I'll clean up once everyone leaves, why aren't you at school anyway?" Jesse asked.
"I was on my way so thought I'd pop around, I can stop by afterwards and help you clean up if you want?" I offered, I was no domestic goodness but surely many hands would make light work.

"No this is my mess, take a look at all these douche bag's you really think I'm gunna send them home without pulling their weight? They ate and drank me out of the house last night." he laughed, it was great to see him joking around again.
"Alright then, I'll be in touch. See you on our next visit" I smiled, school started in 15 minutes I had to move quickly if I was going to make first bell.
"Have a good day sis, don't take any crap yeah?" he chimed as I left.
"Bye" I said as I let the door close behind me gently.

As I made my way to school I checked my phone for messages, Jono had asked where I was I quirkily told him that I'd popped shopping before school that would be believable because I did have a few supplies from my last shopping trip in my bag.
"Leah! Over here" Munroe called over to me as I came into view, I jogged over and joined my friend's.
"Hey how's it going?" Jono beamed as he pulled me into a hug.
"Good thanks, fancy going to Los Pollos later guys?" I offered, I didn't fancy tea at The Sherwood's tonight.
"Yeah why not" Jono and Munroe agreed.
"I think I'll pass thanks, how about you Dina?" Kayla asked, she was clearly trying to call the shots here.
"I think I'll go with the others sorry Kay" Dina said taking our side.
"For god sake!" Kayla huffed as she walked off.

"I seriously can't stick that girl at the moment, everything is always about her" I spat, she would always make me feel this way.
"She's jealous of you" Dina announced, I was taken a back.
"What? How can she be jealous I hardly have anything whereas she has a mom, dad and a loving family" I pondered.
"You're beautiful, brainy and strong she's nothing of the sort" Dina sighed, Jono nodded.
"If you want we can stop hanging out with her" he added, Munroe fidgeted.
"Guys come on I don't think we should do that you know she isn't a girl to be messed with who knows what she's capable of" she reasoned.
"I sure as hell don't want to be around her anymore" Dina said sternly it seemed her eyes were filling with tears.

"Is everything okay?" I said softly placing my hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah I'm just having a stressful morning is all" she smiled, instantly regretting her last statement.
"Okay, if ever there's anything you know you can talk to me or any of us" I announced, there was something wrong but I didn't really know what.
"Thanks" she smiled. Suddenly the first bell went and we all made our way to home room.

During the school day I couldn't help but think about home how badly I wanted my old bedroom back and how badly I wanted mom and dad back. At lunch I bumped into Jake he was reluctant to speak to me but I needed to talk to him, I overheard my economic's teacher say that he had a detention after school he probably thought he could get out of it.
"Jake" I spat, he was with his friends they were bullying a kid in their year.
"What do you want!" he fumed as I came into view.
"I want you to tell me why you think it's okay to pick on this kid? And why you think it's okay to get yourself a detention!" I proclaimed, his friends began to laugh.
"You guys can shut your trappy mouth's too!" I called to them.
"Oooh I think your sister has her sassy pants on!" one mocked, I saw red.
"Don't you dare mock me you little shit!" I grabbed a hold of him and dragged him down the corridor he fell on the ground.

"Are you okay Jed" Jake called as he rushed to his friend's side, he shook his head at me.
I didn't mean to push him that hard but sometimes anger makes you do things you don't mean.
"I'm sorry" I said softly, quickly fleeing the scene I didn't know if Jed was okay I could hear my name being called but I didn't stop I carried on running till I reached the end of the street, I didn't know if anyone was behind me.
I ran home to see if I could find Jesse he would know what to do in this situation he'd been in it many of times.

"Jesse" I sobbed as I banged on the front door.
"For Christ sake who is it" he sighed as he opened the door.
"Oh my god Leah what's happened!" he pulled me into a hug.
"I have to stay here I've hurt someone but not on purpose I swear please don't tell anyone" I stammered. He held me close hoping to calm me down.
"Hey hey it's okay I'm here, I'll make you a coffee and you can tell me everything I promise I won't judge you" he soothed, he walked me inside and settled me on the couch.
Sitting back on our old sofa instantly soothed me all the memories came flooding back.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Jesse leapt off the sofa to answer it. He seemed to know who was on the door step as he invited them in I was relieved yet a little taken aback as to why Mr White was now joining us.

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