Chapter 13

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As we drove down what seemed like a never ending road I started to relax a little, knowing that we were heading further and further away from home was a little comforting to me, Mr White was driving and Jesse was sat in the passenger seat, I was in the back.
"Can I ask something please?" I asked quietly, I made it sound like a kidnapping or something I didn't need to be scared I was safe.
"Sure what's up?" Jesse turned his head to me.
"Aren't the police going to know that I'm missing by now?" I asked, I was worried as it had been several hours since I was last seen.

"I shouldn't think so, Mr and Mrs Shearwood probably still think you're under arrest" Jesse shrugged, putting his feet up on the dashboard lighting a cigarette.
"Excuse me! At least open the window if you're going to smoke in my car" Mr White ordered looking really annoyed at my brother.
"Sorry!" Jesse spat as he did as he was told.
"Where are we going?" I wondered.
"Home" Mr White announced.

After around about 3 more hours of driving the car came to a calm halt outside a high rise block of flats, Jesse and Walt wheeled my stuff inside I was incredibly confused as nothing had been explained to me.
"Woah Mr White I didn't think you were serious when you said we'd be living on the 13th floor" Jesse joked as we walked up what felt like the 100th flight of stairs.
"It'll all be worthwhile once you're settled" Walt said sternly.
"I'm not so sure about this you know" I fretted, I was scared not knowing what the future would hold.
"I promise that this is gunna work out" Jesse soothed, as we made it to our new front door.

Stepping inside took me aback, the apartment was fully furnished and extremely clean, pictures were hanging safely on the wall along with pretty ornaments sitting nicely in a display cabinet. It looked lovely.
"I figured you'd both need something to make you feel at home so I bought you a load of things from Walmart" Mr White smiled, he'd done a good job as it looked very homely.
I was then shown to my room, that was also beautiful with song lyrics gently painted on the walls and a simple bed and wardrobe with the same colour scheme as the white walls.
"Wow this is beautiful thanks so much" I smiled as I took in the atmosphere.
I didn't deserve such nice treatment after what I'd done.

Jessie's room looked great too, I hoped he wouldn't ruin the place with his carelessness as that often was the case with him. Mr White and Jesse explained that I would need to change my name in order to stay anonymous after a lot of deliberation and thought I chose Lorna Morgan, it was a name that I loved the thought of having. I also needed to change my look so I died my hair a darker shade of brown I loved my new look once it was complete.

After a month of living here I settled a little, nothing seemed as scary and I felt ready to start at a new school, that couldn't happen until the next school year started which was several months away so Mr White provided Jesse with some resources to home tutor me.
Back in Albuquerque Leah Pinkman had been reported missing apparently I hadn't been seen since the day of the accident, we were safe here at least.

Life was a little boring without friends so I decided one afternoon to visit the local library to see if I could maybe join a book group to try and meet new people.
"I'll catch you later" I called to a passed out Jesse on the sofa, he groaned but didn't stir, this was the 3rd time this week he'd gotten drunk. As I made my way into town the breeze picked up a little so I zipped up my jacket, the month was April so summer should be here soon I thought. Nearing the library I was wondering if I had the ability to stay calm as I signed up for a membership.

"Hello I'd like to become a member here please" I asked the authoritative looking lady sat behind a simple desk with just a computer and a phone to hand.
"Of course, do you have any ID please?" She asked, I began to panic.
"Uh I uh I think so" I babbled, she smiled.
"Sweetie it's just protocol, we can't offer you a membership without some form of ID" she informed me, I guess that was out of the equation I didn't have any.
"I'll be sure to bring some in thank you" I said politely and headed home.

When I got back Mr White was here, he and Jesse seemed to be having some sort of serious conversation not wanting to interrupt I snook to my room. I must have dozed off as I was shook awake suddenly by a loud crash coming from the kitchen, jumping off my bed I rushed out to see what was going on.
"Jesse?" I shouted, he was nowhere to be found someone was here and I didn't know who.
"Who's there?" I spat trying to hide the fear inside of me, a male dressed in all black clothing with a cover over his face approached me, he had some sort of netting. I tried to back away I wanted to run but there was nowhere to go.
"What do you want?" My voice shook, I couldn't make out an expression.
"You" a distorted voice replied, it sounded like a voice changing device was being used.
"No please don't hurt me" I backed away, the man covered me in the netting picking me up, my weight effortlessly sitting in the man's arms.

"I'm not here to hurt you, please do as you're told" he said calmly as he lead me out of the flat and into the hallway, carrying me down all of the flights of stairs. My eyelids suddenly became heavy I felt my body relax as my eyes came to a chilled close.

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