Chapter 12

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"Mr White not to be rude but me and Leah were kinda in the middle of a private conversation" Jessie announced as Walt made his way into the living room looking me up and down with concern.
"We have some unfinished business to attend to Jesse something in which that you know can't wait. Leah is everything okay?" He asked, I looked at Jesse who gave me a reassuring smile it made me feel that I could trust the both of them.

"I've done something really bad and I don't know if they'll be okay" I sobbed, I was still evasive not to reveal to much.
"Can I ask in what context? We can't help you if you don't tell us the facts I promise anything that is said in this room will not leave it" Walt said sternly. Jesse nodded in acknowledgment.
"Jed Thompson in Jake's year I accidentally hurt him, he was winding me up when I was already mad and I couldn't calm down he just so happened to be in the way. I didn't mean to hurt him I promise" I babbled, frantically not finding any sense in the situation.

"How bad was it?" Jesse proclaimed his hands on his head. Mr White sighed, I could tell this wasn't expected of me the worst thing I'd ever done previously was accidentally forgetting my homework one day, violence was not in my nature I'd never laid a finger on anyone.
"He was unconscious but I didn't stick around long enough to find out anything else, I shouldn't have ran away and I'm sorry for that" I said softly, I was deeply ashamed of myself.
"I'll stop by the school to see what the score is and I'll be in touch with further information, but in the meantime Jesse stay with her and keep her here until I tell you otherwise am I clear?" Mr White instructed sternly.
"Yes sir" Jesse saluted, he walked over to the fridge and got me a bottle of coke and a cookie he must have had a supply for when he would come and see me and Jake.
"Thanks" I smiled as I opened up the bottle and took a sip.

"I know that you didn't do this on purpose" Jesse said softly.
"I didn't mean for anything like this to happen, my head has been all over the place at the moment but I shouldn't have taken it out on Jed. What will happen to me Jesse? Will I go to Prison?" I asked. He shook his head and gave me a hug something he would always do when I was sad or troubled in any way
"I promise I won't let that happen, if anything you would probably end up doing a few hours of street service but that won't happen because if need be you can stay with me!" he suggested.
"You would do that for me?" I questioned raising my brow.
"I'd rather that than see you fed to the dogs when you're a good person!" he said.
"You're a good person too" I said.
"I know" he nodded, winking at me I seriously missed this cheeky side to him.

Once Walt returned nightfall was upon us and I was becoming tired, Jesse set me up some clean sheets in my old room and I headed to sleep straight away as soon as my head hit the pillow. Rest was something that often didn't come my way so I was glad of it.

Jesse's P.O.V

Leah fell asleep straight away I was relived as Mr White still hadn't come back I wanted to protect her from the truth for a little while just in case it was bad news and I'd worked out what the plan was she's a good girl and I can't have her getting into trouble for this silly mistake.

I quickly jumped in the shower and made myself something to eat, as I was eating Mr White knocked my door I quickly invited him in being sure that nobody was watching us as prying eyes would fuck us right up.
"Did you find out anything" I said quietly trying my best not to wake Leah.
"Sit down" Mr White ordered, I set myself down on the sofa, Mr White sat opposite me.
"The boy died!" he announced, my whole world shook my little sister had accidentally killed someone our shit pit just got a whole lot deeper.

"I can't believe this is happening. We can't tell her!" I spat, sure she would find out soon enough but it was too soon.
"We can't keep this from her for long. tomorrow morning get her ready for 10am and we'll go from there. Don't worry about clothes I'll sort that but you need to promise me one set of things we need to work quickly and quietly and nobody needs to hear about this am I clear" Mr White had a plan and I liked the thought of it, I didn't know what to do so my faith in Mr White was high I trust him he's my lab partner.
"Crystal clear, thanks Mr White" I said accepting his offer to help.


I awoke to the sound of Jesse calling my name, I sat up in bed looking around the familiarity of my room overwhelmed me, I wondered how I got here I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when realisation took over me.
"I'm awake" I called down to him, he came into my room.
"Did you sleep okay?" he asked as he started to pack an overnight bag for me I was a little confused.
"Yeah thanks like a baby, can I ask what you're doing?" I queried, he filled the bag with clothes that I hadn't seen before mixed with a few things from my wardrobe, when we were taken into care we didn't manage to take all of our stuff and we had to leave it.
"We've gotta meet Mr White at a parking lot at 10am something's happened and we can't stay here" Jesse announced, he seemed panicked which put me on edge.

"What?! What about Jake and Mr and Mrs Sheerwod they're going to be wondering where I am!" I panicked, Jake probably didn't care about me but I didn't want to leave him.
"Jake's fine with them Mr White went to see them he's told them that you're in custody he's persuaded them that he's a cop he got a fake ID from somewhere. You have to trust me on this we need to get you out of here and Albuquerque" he reassured me.
"He's dead isn't he! I knew it oh my god I'm a murderer I've killed someone" I screamed, sobbing in the process. All of it too much for me to take.
"Shh shh I got you!" Jesse soothed trying to calm me, his strong embrace lulled me into a sense of calm.
"I'm sorry" I cried silently.
"I know I know, it's okay I promise everything's going to be okay" he soothed, I trusted him fully.

A little before 10am Jesse ushered me into his car and we drove the short distance to the parking lot that he arranged to meet Mr White in I was nervous as I didn't know what would happen next, a wave of sadness also washed over me the thought of me not seeing any of my friends again becoming clear.
As we settled in the darkened windowed car that Mr White was driving was when I realised how my life would never be the same again.

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