Chapter 10

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I looked out of the window of the Range Rover that was taking myself and Jake to our temporary home and wondered what our little family had done to deserve all of this upset, it made me realise that things can happen so quickly.
"Will this be forever?" Jake asked, looking up at me.
"No, Jesse will come for us and everything will be okay" I soothed, half hoping.
"How are you so sure? He'll choose drugs over us" He spat.
"You don't know that, things will be different now I promise" I smiled.
I was uncertain but part of me hoped that Jesse would fight for us so we could move back home.

As we drove down more than one familiar road it made me wonder where and how far we were travelling.
"Excuse me miss where are going?" I asked as my mind had quizzed me too much.
"You will both be living with a friendly couple who live at 307 Negra Arroyo Lane. It's a beautiful area and we think they will give you the best support at this dreadful time" Mrs Peopleton announced.
"Exactly how long will this be for? I asked, wanting some closure on the situation.
"For as long as it takes us to find you a suitable guardian" she smiled as we turned a corner.
After around 5 more minutes of driving the Range Rover came to a steady halt outside a large looking bungalow.

"Mr and Mrs Shearwood are ready for you now, I'll give it half an hour and then I'll leave you all to get settled" she smiled, I didn't like this one bit.
"I'm not happy about this" I announced pointlessly.
"Me neither" Jake added as we made our way to the front door of our temporary home.
Mr and Mrs Shearwood seemed lovely and their home was so lovely and we couldn't have been placed with a nicer couple but nothing could ever replace our parents and the place that we called home.

A month had passed and Jake I were still very unsettled, Jesse had been round to see us but our visits have to be supervised. We both went to school but I found it really difficult to focus I felt that we needed more time off to adapt and grieve but Mr and Mrs Shearwood wanted us to get back to normality as soon as possible.
"Leah would you mind taking the trash out for me please sweetness?" Mrs Shearwood asked gently as she set the table ready for dinner.
"Sure! Is there anything else I can do for you?" I offered as I headed to the door to take out the trash.

The least I could was help with the housework, Jake on the other hand was withdrawn and wouldn't do anything he was told. Nothing was new there.
"No that's all Leah thanks. I have a surprise for you and Jake" She announced with a beaming smile on her face.
"That's awesome I love surprises, I'll be back in two" I smiled with excitement in my body. I rushed outside and was sure to be back in within two minutes.
When I came back in Jake was sat on the sofa playing on the PlayStation.

"Dinner's almost ready" I called over to him.
"I'm not hungry!" He spat his eyes staying glued to the screen.
"You have to eat something! Get to the table now!" I sighed, shouting wouldn't help the situation.
"Leave him Leah he'll come when he is ready" Mrs Shearwood soothed as she placed down 4 pots of food onto the table, putting utensils alongside them too.
I took my place at the table as we waited for Mr Shearwood to arrive home from work, it had become new tradition for us all.

After around 15 minuets Mr Shearwood came home.
"Are we all sat at the table?" He shouted through the letterbox, I laughed.
"Jake over here please" Mrs Shearwood called.
"Why! Can't you see I'm trying to complete this level. God dam!" Jake grunted in response.
"Jake! What have you been told about cussing? Over here now or no PlayStation for a whole month!" Mrs Shearwood said sternly. As if by magic Jake paused the game and reluctantly made his way to the table.
"Thank you!" She smiled.

A few moments later I heard a familiar voice fill the room.
"Yo! Where's my favourite two kids!" Jesse beamed as he walked into the house with Mr Shearwood close by.
"Oh my god Jesse" I rushed over to him, so pleased to see him.
"Are you both okay? He asked as he pulled me into a hug.
"I'm good thanks, Jake won't settle though" I sighed, looking over at the table to see him scowling.
"Things take time you know. You'll both be okay in the end I promise!" Jesse promised and walked over to the table and sat beside Jake.

"What level have you gotten up to on GTA?" He beamed, trying to get through to him.
"I'm not allowed to play GTA here, I have to put up with stupid PG or 12 rated games" Jake spat, Jesse knew getting anything jolly out of him would be a while off yet.
"That's a good thing! We don't want you getting influenced into doing bad things" Jesse reasoned, Jake's eyes widened.
"That's rich coming from you! You're an addict with no life prospects" He fumed, Mr Shearwood came over to intervene.
"Jake this can't carry on, being rude to people is not on especially when it's aimed at a member of your family" Mr Shearwood said sternly, the best thing about Mr and Mrs Shearwood they would never dream about raising their voice to any of us.

"It's fine honestly, I can tell he's upset. I shouldn't have come here I'll go" Jesse got up, making his way to the front door.
"Wait! Please just stay for dinner" I called hopefully. Mrs Shearwood nodded with approval.
"Please do" She smiled, Jesse looked at Jake and then me and made his way back to the table.
It was lovely eating together but it felt weird not having mum or dad accompanying us.
Once dinner was finished and Jake had retired up to his room I thought it would be a good time to talk to Jesse alone.

"Could I talk to you quickly?" I asked as I gestured him to follow me out of the kitchen area and into the hallway.
"Sure" he said following me out of the room.
"Have you found out anything on mom and dad? They won't tell us anything. Not knowing is killing me" I announced, nervously.
"They're still gathering evidence, as soon as I find out anything more I'll tell you straight away" he proclaimed, looking around for anybody listening.
"Surely it shouldn't take this long, something isn't right. Where are you living at the moment?" I asked.
"It's a complex case that's why. Promise you won't tell a soul? I'm living back home, nobody knows about this okay!" Jesse whispered, I was shocked but relieved that he was safe.

"How long?" I asked in a quiet tone.
"3 weeks, I don't know how long it'll be until they sell it on or something. Gotta make the most of time" he laughed.
"Are you squatting?" I asked, remembering the nobody knows part.
"Yas!" He said proudly, taking his phone out of his pocket showing me numerous pictures of himself and friends partying at our house.
"Nothing surprises me anymore" I laughed, I wasn't mad with him I was just a little disappointed that he was living at our home without us but there wasn't anything I could do.
"Anyways I'd better go, I've gotta go on yet another cooking spree with Mr White" he announced almost silently.
"Still can't believe you and my chemistry teacher are business partners of a drug cartel" I laughed, knowing this was bad but what could be done to change it.

On my way to school the next morning I thought I would pass by my old house, Jake had gone straight to school with his friends but I figured going the long way round wouldn't hurt. As I took in the familiar scents and landscapes of my old street all of the memories came flooding back, how we were once one big normal and happy family. As I neared number 55 I noticed Jesse's car parked in the car park, as I approached the car a sign that read 'VISITING NUMBER 56' was taped to the front window, this made me smile because number 56 already had 3 cars on the drive so this was a good idea. I walked to the front door of the house and realised that it was open a jar, as I entered the house an awful smell filled my nose causing me to cough a little. I walked in a little further and was taken a back by what my eyes could see, I thought about screaming but that would only draw me unwanted attention.

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