Chapter 1

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The time was 11:35am I was sat in the living room with my younger brother Jake our parents were currently in the kitchen with our older brother Jesse there was a lot of shouting going on. "I don't want you in my house any more!" I heard my mom shout in an aggressive tone. "What the hell mom where do you expect me to go?" Jesse shouted in protest. "I don't care where you go but you can't keep bringing that vile substance in the house it's not fair on the kids, what would you do if one of them picked it up and smoked it huh?" my dad said in a much calmer tone to mom. Today wasn't the first time that Jesse brought pot into the house it has happened many times before. "I promise I won't touch the stuff any more I have no where else to go please just hear me out!" Jesse pleaded.

"Lets hope mom and dad chuck him out this time so we can have a normal family life without that stupid pot smoking dick" Jake retorted as he left the room and stormed up to his bedroom. Jake and my parents have always been reluctant to help Jesse they say that he brings everything on himself but I know that Jesse is a good person deep down. "I'm sorry Jesse but please pick up your things and leave" Mom said coldly. With that Jesse walked into the living room, he walked over to where I was sat.

"Yo Leah I'll see you around" Jesse announced as he picked up his small bag of belongings. I got up and hugged him "They're dicks you know, why won't they just fucking help you" I sighed in defeat. "You don't need to worry about me I can look after myself, this is for the best" he said as he hugged me back. I wasn't so sure of this because whenever he is left to fend for himself he goes back to the drugs."Promise you'll call me when you're settled in?" I asked hopefully as I stepped out of his grip."Of course, remember that I love you okay? and Jake make sure he's alright" Jesse said with a small smile looking back as he walked away. "I love you too and I promise" I said as a small tear escaped from my eyes. 

When I heard the door slam shut I went straight up to my room and carried on with my upcoming science project which was due in this coming Monday, my Chemistry teacher Mr White would throw me straight into detention if I didn't complete it this time. Because of all the shit that was going on at home I managed to wangle an extra week on my submission date. Because my mind was so full of determination I managed to complete the project all in one night. Just as I was about to get into bed and call it a night there was a knock on my door. Sighing with frustration I called come in to whoever was on the other side. My mom walked in with some cookies and milk, I turned the other way not wanting to give her any form of acknowledgement.

"Hey baby I brought you your favourite" mom said sweetly as she set the tray down beside my bed. "I'm not hungry" I spat, hoping she would take the hint and leave. "You've got to eat something Leah you've been stuck in your room all night" mom said in a concerned tone. My body tensed up slightly. "I will eat when I am good and ready, I would appreciate it if you would leave alone. Goodnight" I said with an annoyed tone. Mom sighed and made her way out of my room gently closing the door. I quickly checked my phone to see that I had 1 missed call and a text message, I opened the message to find that it was from Jesse:

'Yo Leah, I'm crashing at a mate's for a few nights so don't worry about me. Get some sleep and I'll see you soon Jesse x'

I sighed with relief knowing that he had somewhere to stay, I just hoped he wasn't hiding something which was something he always did to protect me. I had an uneasy feeling inside of my stomach as I feel asleep I had many different scenarios swirling around my head.  

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