Chapter 6

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I slowly opened my eyes, I was now laying on the ground with a jacket wrapped around my shoulders. I sat up and looked around, trying to take in my surroundings I realised I was in the dessert just south of Albuquerque. "Hello, is there anyone here?" I shouted, just to be met with no sound.
I fished around in my pocket to try and locate my phone, I sighed with relief when I reached it. I quickly dialled Jesse's number but there was no answer. I figured I had no choice but to phone Badger, I couldn't phone any of my friends or my parents as they couldn't know where I was.
I found his number in my contacts and clicked the call button:

"Hello who's calling?"
"Hi it's Leah, have you seen Jesse?"
"No not since yesterday afternoon, what's up?"
"I need you to come and get me please, I'm in the dessert some dude dragged me and Jesse here last night and there's nobody here"
"Uh okay where's Jesse?"
"I don't know I just woke up and he's not here, I've tried his cell phone and he didn't pick up"
"Okay stay where you are give me an hour"

I put my phone back in my pocket and decided to take a walk around to see if I could find anyone or anything.
"Hello" I called as I heard footsteps.
"Who's there?" I heard a voice reply the voice sounded familiar.
"Over here" I said softly not wanting to move any closer.
I was shocked when I saw Mr White approaching me.

"Mr White,what are you doing here?" I enquired with curiosity in my voice.
"I went for a drive last night and somehow ended up falling asleep out here" he laughed.
"Are you okay you look awful?" I said as I noticed he looked a little unwell.
"I'm just in need of some water is all, how come you're out here alone?" He asked. I panicked, I couldn't tell him the truth as he would surely inform my parents.
"Photography" I lied.
"Well that sounds fantastic, would you like a ride home?" He asked politely. I figured I would text Badger telling him not to come.
"Thanks that would be great" I smiled.

The drive home was pretty awkward I don't think sharing a ride with your Chemistry teacher is at the top of anyone's to do list. I looked out of the window quietly praying to be home.

 "Could you drop me off outside the chemist if that's okay?" I asked as we neared my house. I realised that I was several hours behind taking my tablets and needed to get myself a dosage to take.

"Are you sick?" Mr White asked he sounded worried.

"Yeah, I'm just at the end of my treatment for a blood infection it's not much fun I've got to admit" I announced.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that and I hope that you make a full recovery soon" He replied, his voice seemed very sincere almost as if I'd said something wrong.

"Is everything okay Mr White?" I enquired, he tensed up a little.

"Please call me Walt during out of school hours, I'll drop you a few blocks away from the pharmacy and if anyone asks I didn't drop you off am I clear" he proclaimed with a small amount of anger in his voice. I tensed up a little.

"Okay sure" I added not knowing what else to say.

Once I'd collected my medication from the pharmacy I went home, my mom seemed upset.

"Where have you been!" Mom shouted, I backed away slightly due to the tone she used.

"I stayed at a friends house, there's no need to worry" I shrugged.

"Why didn't you call me Leah! There are weirdos out there I've been worried sick about you" mom hugged me.

I was glad that she believed me, once she calmed down I went upstairs to check my bank account and to check prices of getting somebody referred into rehab. My account showed $1000 which I thought was a good start, it wasn't until I'd looked at most starting prices for rehab care that I realised this was going to be a difficult investment. The first place I looked at was $12,000 per month with an upfront cost of $90. I thought about asking Jake to help but I knew he wouldn't spend a penny on Jesse even if it was the last time he ever saw him. The same with my parents they washed their hands of him. I wasn't like them I wanted my brother back, someone who would always look out for me so I'm doing the same for him.

I stayed home today because mom insisted that I needed rest, but that was the last thing I needed. I picked up a book and began reading with hope that my mind would be filled with the brilliance of the story rather than what was really going on. Suddenly the phone I was given the night Jesse was injured rang, I panicked at how loud it sounded, the walls in my house aren't so thick so my family could possibly hear everything.

"Hello?" I said softly

"Meet me at the convenience store just south of Moreland Street you have 12 minuets" a distorted voice shouted, I couldn't make out who it was.

"Who is this" I whispered.

"You have 12 minuets" the voice ignored my plea for information. The caller hung up, I debated on calling someone to come with me but time wasn't on my side. I thought it might have been Badger fooling around so I relaxed a little as I snook out of the house to where I had been instructed to go, as I approached the convenience store my optimism was short lived when I saw the sight that was waiting for me. 

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