Chapter 2

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A few days had passed and I was now making my way to school, mom offered to drop me in but I politely declined. As I walked past all the alley ways and homeless person spots I looked for Jesse, not knowing for sure if I would find him or not but it was worth a shot.

"Morning miss do you have any spare change" an elderly man asked as I passed Los Pollos Hermanos the super brilliant chicken restaurant just south from my block.
"Yeah here take this" I handed the man a ten dollar note and handed him my unopened bottle of water.
"Oh miss thank you so much! God bless you" the man beamed, I smiled and carried on with my journey to school.

As I neared the school gates I groaned knowing that I would be stuck here for 6 hours, I didn't necessarily dislike school but lately it has been really difficult because finals are coming up and everyone is trying to get everything ready for our end of year dance which I'm not planning on going to, I don't understand why everyone's kicking up a huge fuss because we're only juniors isn't Prom more important to them?

"Hey chick" Monroe called as she approached me.
"Hey how are you? I'm seriously nervous over this stupid Chemistry project, I have a meeting with Mr White at 1pm" I said as my eyes immediately dashed to my shoes. Monroe put a supportive arm around me.
"I'm great thanks much better now because I just so happen to be stood beside my best friend. You have nothing to worry about little miss brain box, you're really clever and I bet you've worked hard on that project. Mr White is a puppy and you know that, he's really nice he won't bite" Monroe said with a smile. She was right Mr White wasn't a horrible teacher it was just I was worried about failing that was all.

"I spent a whole night working on it the other night, I know it's just the whole failing thing is swirling around my head" I lied, that wasn't bothering me at all. I couldn't tell Monroe about what was going on she would probably agree with everything my parents have said and done. "See there's nothing to worry about, have you told your mom that you're going straight home tonight?" Monroe asked.                "I'm not really talking to her but I'll text her telling me not to cook me any tea, how come?" I said with one eyebrow raised.                                                                                                                                                                         "Fancy heading to Los Pollos?, I'm sure chicken and a large helping of fries will cheer you right up! I'll invite the others as well when I see them in first period" Munroe had so much excitement in her voice.  "Yes! I love that place, Okay sounds good! I'll see you later" I said as I gave her a quick hug.                        "Don't get worrying yourself have a good morning" Munroe smiled as she stepped out of my grip.

Before I knew it the time was 12:45pm meaning I had a measly 15 minuets before my meeting with Mr White. I quickly headed into the canteen and had a quick bite to eat with my friends, sat at our table there was Munroe, Kayla, Dina and Jono. Our other friend Brandon was off sick so it was just the 5 of us.                                                                                                                                                                                                             "How long are you gonna be with Mr White?" Kayla asked showing genuine interest, me and Kayla weren't the best of friends but were always civilised around the others.                                                                 "I shouldn't be longer than 10 minuets, how come?" I asked not wanting to sound too cold.                        "Just wondering because we're thinking of heading out onto the field seeing as the weather's lush" she said with a smile.                                                                                                                                                                        "Want me to wait with you while you're inside?" Dina added.                                                                                       "No thanks Dee I'll be okay" I shook my head and smiled. I stayed with them for another 5 minuets and then I made my way up to the science block.

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