Chapter 9

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"Jake! What's happened?" I rushed to his side, Jessie following quickly behind me.
"It's all your fault Jesse! I wish you were never our brother!" Jake sobbed.
"What's my fault I don't understand" Jessie looked puzzled, much did I too.
"Please tell me what's wrong we can't help you unless you tell us what's happened" I soothed, fear overtook me as I realised how serious the situation was. I ushered Jake inside in hope that this would settle him.
"Where's Mom and Dad?" Jesse asked, they were probably still out at the market there was some jamboree events happening in town over the weekend they both jumped at the chance of going.

"They're dead!" Jake sobbed, without much more of an explanation he rushed up to his room slamming the door behind him. The words shook me, I fell to the ground hoping somehow to allow the words to gain some sort of understanding inside my soul.
"Leah, you stay here with Jake I need to go somewhere" Jessie announced, he helped me to my feet, guiding me to the sofa.
"Where are you going? Please don't leave us I don't know what's going on I don't think I can face the truth alone" I didn't stop the tears from coming, all sorts of thoughts were swirling within my mind.
"I have an appointment at the hospital, I have some stitches to be removed, I'll be an hour or maybe 2. Make sure Jake's okay see you soon" He placed his hand on my shoulder and rushed out the door.

While on my own I slipped my phone out of my pocket and phoned mom's cell phone.
"Hello who's calling please?" A polite voice asked as mom's phone was answered.
"It's Leah, where's my mom? I asked as tears threatened to spill once again.
"I'm afraid she was involved in an accident at the market this afternoon, along with her husband" the voice paused.
"Accident what kind of accident?" I asked, all this information felt like some sort of nightmare that I would usually be able to just wake up from.
"Mr and Mrs Pinkman were accidentally shot" the voice announced, I gasped.
"I don't understand, why?" I shouted.
"We are doing our upmost best to get the the bottom of what happened today, In the meantime is there anybody that you can go and stay with?" The voice said softly.
"Myself and Jake could stay with our brother Jesse who lives locally to the area" I announced, there was a pause.
"I'm afraid that won't be possible, Mr Pinkman is in no fit state to look after 2 minors he is currently on our system as a drug addict and we can't allow you to stay with him" This revelation upset me.

There was nobody else who could take us in, grandma and grandad lived in a retirement home and my aunts and uncles lost contact with us years ago. Soon after the phone call I quickly made us some food and called Jake down to eat, at first he was reluctant to eat anything or be near me but as time moved on he was glad of the company and the food in his belly.
"Where's Jesse?" Jake asked, in a small tone one I hadn't heard him use since he was a young child, that seemed many moons ago.
"He's gone to have his stitches removed he'll be back soon I promise" I smiled, rubbing his back gently.
"Do you think mom and dad are suffering?" He proclaimed, this hurt to think about.
"No they're in heaven now, they're in paradise probably at the spar or something" I smiled, thinking that no more pain could ever come their way.

I realised that staying positive for the future would help me get through the pain, I didn't just have myself to think about I had the responsibility of Jake to care for. As we waited for Jesse to return home there was a knock at the door, I reluctantly answered the door wondering who could be knocking at this hour.
"Hello my name is Victoria Peopleton and I'm here on behalf of  Albuquerque Children's Services & Personal Development, could I please come in" She asked politely.
"Why are you here? We'd much prefer to be left to grieve" I added a little too coldly.
"Please allow me to come inside I'd rather not discuss this on the street" Victoria pleaded.
"Okay, I'm sorry if you thought me rude there all of this is taking me a while to get my head around" I shook my head trying to shake my recent rude attitude.
"It's fine Leah I can understand that you're going through a difficult time" I guided the lady into the living room, she sat beside Jake on the sofa, he gave her a dirty look at moved over to the our other sofa.

"Jake! Be nice please" I pleaded with him, the old Jake was showing  signs of a rapid return.
"I'll pass thanks" he smirked, I wasn't going to get mad at him that wouldn't help him non.
"I'm sorry" I smiled towards Victoria, she must have thought that we were awful kids.
"It's fine, I'm sorry to be the bearer of even more bad news but please could you go and pack yourselves a bag of clothing and other supplies" She said sternly, I frowned.
"Why?" Jake asked, the young boy within him coming back. I couldn't believe what was happening, they wanted to take us away from our home where all our happy memories were made, boy did I miss those petty arguments with mom and dad.
"We have a family who are willing to take you in until a stable living atmosphere has been created for you both, I can promise you this is for the best" Victoria announced, I counted ourselves lucky we could have had a horrible lady come around but Victoria was quite the opposite.

"What's going to happen to our house?" I asked, I couldn't ever imagine anybody else living in our house.
"There are many options that will be discussed later, it all depends on whether or not your parents have created a will and who the house has been left to" Victoria had uncertainty in her voice.
By the time we managed to pack ourselves a bag each it was beginning to get dark out, Jesse hadn't returned home it was more like 3 hours since he was due back. As we left the house a wave of sadness joined us, we didn't know when we would see the house again, and most of all we didn't know where we were going to be living and who with.
It made me feel sad that we weren't able to say goodbye to Jesse, we were owed that at least as we didn't know when we would see him again.

As we left our drive for what felt like the final time, the levels of uncertainty raised and Jake and I realised that we only had each other...

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