Chapter 4

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I woke up to find myself hooked onto all sorts of machines, I tried to sit up but my bones were aching too much. As I opened my eyes I was shocked at the sight in front of me, there was mom and dad outside my room talking to a young looking doctor. Jesse was slumped in a seat beside my bed fast asleep.

As I sat up a second time the machines began to beep like crazy causing Jesse to start awake and my mom and dad to rush in along with the doctor they were speaking with.
"Hello baby" mom soothed as she kissed my head, I smiled at her.
"How are you feeling Leah? You've had a tough night it's nice to see you conscious" the doctor said with a smile.
"I feel like I haven't slept in about a year, why am I here? I remember walking to the car last night but nothing more" I said as I massaged the side of my forehead in hope that my memory would come back.

Jesse was unusually quiet, this was probably because mom and dad were around and he wasn't exactly in their good books.
"You blacked out my dear, we ran a number of tests during the night to find that you have an infection in your blood which caused your blood pressure to raise a considerable amount. Thankfully we have managed to get that under control and you should start to feel better in no time" the doctor announced much to my surprise. I didn't understand what had happened because I didn't feel unwell previously.

"I wasn't feeling unwell though, why did I not feel any symptoms?" I enquired.
"Sometimes patients don't experience symptoms they just suddenly fall unwell but seeing as we caught the infection early we managed to put a stop to it before it was too late"  the doctor informed me.

"Er is it true that infections are caused by foreign bodies entering the system?" Jesse asked, I looked at him with curiosity wondering what he was getting at.
The doctor looked just as curious as I did.
"In some cases yes but in this one it seems like just one of those things, I shall leave you all to it" with that the doctor left my room.

"Mom, dad do you mind if I just talk with Leah for a few minuets?" Jesse announced. Mom looked at dad with an uneasy look.
"We need to go and get something to drink anyway" mom said, dad nodded and leaded the way out of my room.
"Is everything okay?" I asked
"How did you know where I was?" Jesse asked softly with fear in his eyes.
"I heard your voice so I followed it, I ended up behind some stinky trashcan" I added, trying to figure out where the conversation was heading.

"Did you hear anything?" Jesse enquired, the colour now draining from his face.
"Aside from some mad fuck shooting you no" I proclaimed, my mind flashing back to that very moment. Jesse sighed with relief.
"I can never tell you what went on last night but thanks a bunch for helping me. Please promise me you won't put yourself in danger by following me again" Jesse said sternly, a serious look emerging on his face.
"What is there to hide? I know you're doing drugs again you were probably just picking up your next supply, yeah whatever I'm not down for all that pinky promise shit I'm 18 Jesse I can go where I please" I spat not caring how rude I sounded. Jesse looked shocked it appeared that he didn't expect that answer from me.

"I'm trying to keep you safe, you don't need to get involved with all of this. You've got College to look ahead to and you don't need added pressure! Maybe it's a good thing mom and dad threw me out to keep me away from you and Jake. Mom and dad are ashamed and couldn't care less about what happens to me so why do you?" Jesse said as tears filled his eyes.
" I care about you Jesse! You me and have always been close and you know that I miss old times when you were just my big brother not some junkie! Seeing you like this is hard I just want the old you back" I added as tears feel down my cheek.

"Do you realise how many times I've tried to stop taking this stuff, I've had days and weeks where I've stayed clean but something always makes me want my next fix" Jesse announced.
"You need to go to rehab! Once I'm home I'll have a look at ones online I want to get you the help that you need" I said with a determined look on my face.
"No no! I'm not letting you waste your lifetime savings on me, you need all the money you have for college" Jesse shook his head.
I didn't care how much it costs I just wanted to help him.

"Money isn't an issue, anyway why aren't you laid up with your leg?" I asked curiously looking at his wounded leg.
"I wanted to make sure you were alright, they discharged me last night it's not as bad as it looked" Jesse said with a smile.
"It looked pretty bad you know, I generally thought you were going to die" I proclaimed, he laughed.
"Why did you ask the doctor about foreign bodies?" I asked.
"Just wondered" he answered a little too quickly, I was getting extremely tired so I didn't want to ask anything more.

As my eye lids became heavy they were started awake by the sound of the double doors swinging open, two DEA agents rushed into the room and approached Jesse.
"Jesse Pinkman I'm arresting you on suspicion of being in possession of illegal substances, you do not have to saying but anything you do say may be used in evidence" a bald headed man announced as his partnering officer handcuffed Jesse.

"This is not what it looks like Leah I promise" Jesse called as he was dragged away. I didn't understand why Jesse said that of course it was what it looked like he probably said it to cover his own back. I wanted nothing more than to be at home but this infection would keep laid up in hospital for a long time.

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