Chapter 5

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Several days had now passed and I was strong enough to come out of hospital, I hadn't heard from Jesse since the arrest and I was seriously beginning to worry. Mom and Dad were reluctant to tell me anything because they'd washed their hands of him. Today was exactly 2 weeks since I was rushed into the hospital and I was seriously glad to be going home.
"So Leah we have arranged for you to visit your doctor for the next week so we can keep an eye on your blood. If anything dangerous is found then we will have to bring you back here but that is a precautionary measure" My doctor announced.
"What are the chances of the infection returning? And are there any things we can do to prevent it?" Mom enquired as she picked up my bag and handed it to dad.

"Very slim at this moment in time but in the early stages of recovery it could indeed return, we have prescribed her with antibiotics which she will need to take for up to 6 weeks and this will play a big part in prevention" my doctor said reassuringly.
"Thanks for taking care of me Mr Rahman" I said politely as I left the room.
"My pleasure! In the nicest possible way I hope we don't meet again" Mr Rahman said with a smile.
"I hope not too" I laughed.
Mom and dad went to sign me out while I headed to the gift shop to buy myself something for the drive home.

"Hello Leah, How are you doing? It's so nice to see you well again" a male voice said as he approached me, I was taken aback to see Mr White approaching me.
"Hi Mr White, I'm doing okay thanks I'm just on my way home actually. How come you're here? I hope everything's okay" I said softly trying to think of a reason why he could be here.
"That's fantastic news! It will be nice to see you back at school again in the near future, my wife is 7 months pregnant she has high blood pressure so she's been here a few days" he added.
"I'm staying home for the summer now I'll be staring back in September luckily there's only a few weeks till spring break. I hope she's able to come home soon" I said.

"Well that's understandable seeing you've been so unwell, thank you. Well take care I must go"Mr White said respectfully. With that he left and I went ahead to buy a magazine to read.
"Leah hurry up sweetie we need to go pick up Jake!" Mom called as I was about to hand the cashier the money for the magazine.
"Okay! I'm coming" I sighed and quickly made my way out of the shop.
Once we'd picked Jake up we headed home where I went straight to sleep.

When I woke up it was the next day, I was shocked because I'd slept for a solid 15 hours which really wasn't like me. I got out of bed and had myself a shower then I went downstairs to get myself some breakfast.
"Morning mom" I said with a smile as I approached her for a quick hug.
"Morning sweetie how are you feeling today?" She asked as she placed her hand on my forehead checking out my temperature.
"Fine mom honest, please stop worrying about me" I said softly, mom was a natural worrier so this was normal behaviour for her.
"It's my job to worry about you!" She soothed kissing my forehead.
Once I'd eaten breakfast I decided that I was going to go into town and pick up a few bits.

I checked out the sales and managed to pick up a few bargains, I bought myself some new clothes and a pair of shoes which would last me the summer. I began to get a little peckish so I bought a Mexican wrap from a deli van and sat on a bench watching the world go by while I ate. As I ate a man approached me, I politely moved up so there was room for him to sit he didn't utter a word of thanks he just sat down and started to read his newspaper. Soon after a brown car pulled up and much to my amazement Jesse got out, my face lit up as I saw him walk up to the bench.
"Jesse!" I beamed as he came ever so nearer to the bench.
"Not now" he said sternly as he slipped a package out of his pocket and handed it to the man, the man looked at me coldly as he realised I'd seen the package.
"what are you starting at!" He spat as he stood up, my heart was in my mouth.
"Uh nothing sir!" I said as my voice shook.
"Do you know this nosey douce bag ?" The man asked Jesse.
"Yeah she's a friend of my mom's her name's Mary" Jesse said confidently looking at me sternly. I immediately realised that I needed to play along with it.

"Well Mary! I think you need to come with me" the man spat as he tried to grab me by the scruff of the neck. Jesse blocked him.
"Leave Mary out of this she just so happened to be here I didn't see her when I got out of the car" Jesse retorted running his hands through his hair. He looked just as scared as I did.
"Both of you come with me!" The man sneered. Part of me felt a little safer now Jesse was around but another part of me was terrified. Who was this man? And where did he want us to go?
"I'm not going anywhere with you!" I growled at the monster who wanted to take me.
"You'll do as you're told child!" He shouted, grabbing my arm causing a bruise to immediately come up.

He dragged us both to the back of a trailer, shoving us both in with an almighty push. He locked the doors behind him.
"Jesse who is this guy?" I enquired with fear on my voice.
"Krazy 8" he announced
"What does he do?" I asked not having a clue who this guys was.
"He's one of the biggest drug dealers in the whole of Albuquerque" Jesse announced.
"Why has he taken us here?" I was seriously stating to worry as I had tablets to take. All of a sudden there was a huge jerk which sent me flying to the other end of the trainer.
"Leah are you okay?" Jesse whispered as he quickly approached me.
I whacked the back of my head extremely hard, tears rushed down my cheeks as the pain overtook my body.
"I think so" I nodded as I tried to sit up.

Jesse lifted me up using my shoulders, I managed to then catch my bearings realising that the truck was now in motion, we were moving at a slow but steady pace.
"Where are we going?" I yawned I was beginning to feel a huge wave of tiredness, my head was started to throb.
"I don't know, but we're going to be okay I promise" Jesse said with a smile,
We were sat with our backs to some sort of plastic board, I rested my head onto Jesse's shoulder fighting hard to stay awake.

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