Chapter 14

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I opened my eyes unaware of my surroundings, my breathing quickened as I realised I was no longer at the apartment.
"Hello" I shouted as I scanned the room for any sign of life, after shouting several times nobody answered I sighed wondering how long I would be here.

Jesse's POV
I got back around about 5pm I'd been to the local off license to get some booze to fill up the fridge, last night I'd drank most of the beer in there so I thought it would be good to refill it.
I figured Leah would be hungry soon so I thought about ordering takeout as I knew this would be good as she loved having one back home, I recalled that she was sleeping when I left so I gently walked towards her room stopping in my tracks at the wide open door and shards of glass on the floor leading from the kitchen.
I phoned Mr White but there was no answer, I tried many times before I gave in. Where was she? I was worried for her safety and I need her home now.

Leah's POV
I must have drifted off to sleep as I found myself waking up and feeling a little more refreshed, hunger and thirst overtook my feelings as I tried to stand up. I saw that I was in what looked like a deserted warehouse with white walls and slightly exposed sheets of metal, the place looked derelict not used for years. I slipped my phone out of my pocket praying that I had some signal, there was non I groaned louder than I thought which caused disturbance to whoever had me in their company.

"You're awake then!" a young unkempt looking individual bellowed as he came into the room.
"Who the hell are you?" I asked puzzled.
"Do you know Jesse Pinkman?" he asked.
"No, who?" I questioned, thinking back to my old life and wondering what he had done this time for someone to be after him.
"I have a feeling you're lying to me wench, you and him were seen at a Chinese takeout restaurant. Now you are going to tell me where that waste of space is and where that murderous little kid sister of his is!" the young man spat, I tried my headrest not to panic.
"I don't know them I promise!" I pleaded, as I denied this, I worried that he would sense my lying and somehow know who I was.

"What were you doing with Pinkman then?" the man who I found out was called Adam enquired, his body edging closer to me as he waited for an answer.
"I just met up with him for a friend, my neighbour John couldn't pay him for a loan he got from him so he asked me to help pay him back so I offered to buy Jesse food to cover some of the funds, he agreed and knocked some off the final total" I lied, slightly praying that my story would be bought.
There were a few moments of a quiet, it felt like forever until Adam decided to answer.

"Ah" was all he said, he quickly turned on his heel and left me to my own devices.
"Wait! Excuse me?" I yelled.
"Shut up wench" he retorted as he walked through the door.
"I want to go home!" I retorted.
"Too bad" he spat.

Jesse's POV

Mr White arrived an hour after I'd managed to get a hold of him.
"Some douche has taken Leah!" I announced, Walt looked like he'd seen a ghost as he processed the information.
"What?!" he added, scratching his head hoping to help find a solution.
"I got home from the store and came to wake her but her room was empty and in a mess" I informed him.
"Any clue has to where she could be? There's no way we can inform the police they'll work out who she really is" he sighed; I couldn't think straight.

"Do you think she may have left on her own accord?" I pondered; Leah was usually very independent so it wouldn't be too much of a surprise if that was the case. "No, she wouldn't be that stupid knowing what she's done and all" he said. "I'm gunna go and have check the few places where I think she might be" I sighed; I couldn't stay home any longer. "I'm coming too, you're a danger to yourself alone" Mr White proclaimed, he was right it was important that he came with me just in case I needed back up. "Sure" I agreed, the quicker this was over the better. We drove around the neighbourhood checking every place that I thought she could be but to no avail we were running out of ideas, I just hoped that she was safe.

                                                                         Leah's POV

"Hey shit heads let me fucking go" I spat hoping that somebody would hear, I'd been her way too long now and I just wanted to go home. Not to our new place either I wanted my mum and dad. "What're you shouting at?" Adam fumed; he came in with a baseball bat. "I said let me fucking go!" I repeated, did he really think I was scared. He swung the baseball bat it just missed by head. "Well that was a shit aim" I laughed, I raised my right leg and kicked him straight in the balls grabbing the baseball bat as he dropped to the ground. "Who's the weak one now hey?" I smirked; I lowered the bat ready to hit him. "Please don't hurt me I'm sorry I didn't mean for any of this" he begged, this made me laugh some more. "Sorry doesn't cut it" I threw the bat towards his kneecap and ran for the exit; he was too busy wincing so didn't catch which way I went.

Once I'd got out, I made my way back to the house Jesse and Mr White were having some sort of disagreement, I rang the doorbell as I didn't have chance to pick up my key earlier. "Who is it?" Jesse called in between continuing to argue. "Just open the door already" I yelled, after a few seconds the arguing stopped and the door opened, he pulled into a tight hug. "Thank fuck you're okay I was going out of mind, where were you?" Jesse asked, he gently let me go and went to pour himself a glass of whiskey. "One of your dodgy contacts thought he'd take me in for a while, by the end he knew not to mess with me. You know an Adam?" I asked just to make sure. "I don't know an Adam" Jesse said with a panicked tone. "Well he knew you" I sighed; Mr White shook his head. "Adam is Jed's brother!" Mr White announced. Jesse looked from Mr White to me and through his glass towards the refrigerator.......                                                         

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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