Part 4: perhaps...

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The thought of having Matts soft lips against his played on Dom's mind over the next few weeks. They managed to get through the tour but there was a certain moment during a performance that almost made Dom freeze up.
The crowd had been roaring with delight as an electronic wave of sound emitted from the bass chaos pad, creating the all to familiar ' Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma maaadness. ' Chris nodded his head as he created the unique bass line, Matt closing his eyes and practically making out with the mic as he lulled the soft lyrics into it. Dom kept the steady beat in the background , he'd done this a thousand times yet this time was different. Matt seemed to honestly mean what he sung and Dom felt the words too. He understood them. It hurt.
Once the show was over, Chris went straight back to his family , Dom got out the car at his house and turned to say bye to Matt when he was met with an abrupt yet wonderful offer.
"Hey, you fancy staying at mine for the weekend? Bing is with his mom and I'm pretty lonely to be honest...." He shrugged. Dom's heart leapt, he had to restrain the child like grin as he nodded.
"Sure. That'd be cool." He nodded and put his bag back in the car, getting in beside Matt once more. Matt looked out the window and smiled to himself , relieved Dom had said yes. Unlike with Chris and Tom, Matt could spend time with Dom working, recording , writing , travelling and more yet never get bored of his company. He loves having him around.
Once they got to Matts amazing and slightly oversized house, they unpacked and sat on the sofa , Matt yawned as he walked in to sit beside Dom , a little closer than expected.
"Matt?" Dom asked softly in a sheepish tone.
"Ya?" Matt replied, not looking up from his phone.
"What is madness actually about?"
"Uh.... Well, kinda like you know there's emotion there but you're not sure if it's love or just .. Madness...." He scoffed and laughed to himself. "Kinda about the fact love is really powerful and what not I guess..." It was clear Matt was tired as his mind wasn't straight. Couldn't blame him, he must've burned a few hundred calories during Psycho , leaping around like nothing on earth. Dom sat there and watched his eyes trail over their Instagram feed, admiring the beautiful colour of his iris'.

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