Part 10: The News.

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Matt leant up, breaking their lips apart before Dom sat up, pulling the covers over his waist. He picked up the cup of tea and blew a gentle breeze over the surface of the liquid. Matt watched him before shifting , laying back down and resting his head on Dom's lap, picking up his phone.
"Chris wants to come over for rehearsal. " Matt announced, looking up to Dom who swallowed his tea before nodding.
"Alright cool. " he answered quietly.
The phone was placed back down.
"He'll be over at lunch. Should we tell him?" Matt asked.
"Tell him what?" Dom questioned.
"About this.... Us...." He explained , signalling between both of them with his hand.
"He's our friend... He should know." Dom shrugged yet it was clear Matt wasn't too keen on the idea, worried about how the bass player would take it. Muse had been together over 20 years, he wasn't prepared to risk that ending. Music was his life. Dom understood this but wanted to be comfortable. He knew it'd be difficult to go on tour and not kiss or be affectionate towards Matt when Chris or Tom was around never mind performing.
Both of them took a deep inhale, Matt exhaled and watched Dom down the dregs of his drink.

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