Johnson Making it Official/Kiss

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Ever since the first date Johnson and I have went on 3 other dates. You guys went to the aquarium, to lunch with eachother, and to ironically enough six flags again and today was going to be the fourth date.You and Johnson were just relaxing at his house watching Netflix and having an occasionall pillow fight.

"I'm so going to get you back Johnson" You said when Jack took a swing at your back causing you to stumble a bit. "Oh yeah come over here and do something about it" he laughed as he got up preparing to have another round of a pillow fight.

You guys took soft swings at each other causing each other to stumble from the hits at times, you hop on his back holding on for dear life that you wouldn't fall off when he ran around the house attempting to get you off. "I'm never getting off" you yelled and laughed, "Well then I'm going to have to make you get off" he said laughing while he swung you around on his back with your legs flailing in the air as he whipped around corners in the house running like a mad man.

"Ok Ok you got me" you said out of breath from laughing and being thrown around like a human rag doll on Jack, but you gotta admit you were having too much fun. Jack put you back on your feet and both of you collapsed on the couch from laughing and running around.

"Y/N can I tell you something" Johnson asked taking your hands and interlocking them. "Yeah what's up" you said hoping he might say what you think he would, you had a total crush on him and every time you guys were together it was always enjoyable and some sort of flirtatious tension between you two.

"Well ever since we first met and began to hang out more and more I've.... I've been starting to like you a lot, so I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend" he said biting his lip and staring at the floor clearly nervous not wanting to be rejected.

"Well....I mean like no your not that great" you said giving him a sarcastic tone "Oh...I-" "Jack I'm kidding" you giggled lifting his chin so that both of your eyes meet. "Of course I'll be honored to and a little honesty here your more than great your beyond amazing, talented, and really cute... Your like the perfect package literally" you said smiling as you saw the blush making it's way onto Johnson's cheeks.

"I can't wait no longer" he said before he pulled you in for a passionate synced kiss and you were on cloud 9 the entire time. When you guys pulled back you bit your lip trying to prevent the huge smile making its way onto your face. The rest of the night you guys continued to watch Netflix and stayed in each others arms enjoying each others presence.

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