JJ: Hanging with your Best Friend

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You haven't seen your best friend in ages since you guys parted to different colleges. So this weekend your best friend and her bf/gf both came down for the weekend. You guys double dated to laser tag, go carting, paint balling, and ice cream. Today was the last day before your friend and her bf/gf left back to their college; so you guys came to a mutual decision to go to a mirror maze house.

"Y/N, were you guys ready yet" Jack said as he lightly knocked on the bathroom door your friend and you were doing your hair in. "Yeah, just give us a second" you replied as you curled her last piece of hair.

"Race you down stairs" you said as you unplugged and wrapped your curling wand. "Yeah right like you'll win" Y/F/N said as she tied the glow up sneakers you guys bought yesterday. "Whoever wins...gets to decide on lunch and dinner" she said as you both got in position to run downstairs. "Deal...On you mark get set go!" You shouted as you ran downstairs... Only thing is you forgot your friend has developed a new interest in running and she joined the cross country team at her college. As expected she made it down before you.

"Twenty years later" you friend said in the Sponge Bob narrator voice. "Shut up Speedy Gonzalez" you laughed. "Who's driving?" Jack asked as he got a snap back and the keys. "I'll drive" you recommended.

"My turn to drive, my rules" You said as you pulled out the aux cord and began to blare 'On My Mind' by Ellie Goulding. You and Y/F/N started singing the lyrics at the top of your lungs.

"But my heart don't understand...why I got you on my mind" you and your friend sung. Your playlist played as Jack and your friend's boyfriend joined in on some songs. You guys finally arrives in front of the mirror maze house attraction and got out the car.

(Start playing song here if you did t already).

Everyone's ticket was bought and you were entering the house now. Lights were flashing as you didn't know what was real and what wasn't already. "Us versus you guys" Your friends boyfriend said. "Alright challenge accepted " Jack chuckled.

"Jack you ready" you giggled as he tickled up your side. "Yeah follow me princess" he said standing in front of you, interlocking your hands and putting his hand out. You guys mad it through some of the turns until you guys completely lost track.

"Yo where the hell are we?" you laughed as you put your hand out to feel around. "I have no clue" he laughed. "Found it" Jack said as he walked forward and hit his forehead on a mirror.

You bursted out in laughter "Babe are you ok" you said in between breathes "No I've just been assulted by a mirror" he laughed rubbing his forehead. "Aww poor baby" you said in a pathetic mommy voice and pulled his head down to give his forehead a kiss. "All better" he said picking you up by your thighs and wrapping your self around him. He lightly pulled you chin down and gave you a quick but passionate kiss.

"Now I'm really all better" he said. He put you down, as he lowered his height for you to get on his back. You got on his back and he began to walk through the maze again with no problem; till you saw the exit near and also nearing towards the exit, your friend and her boyfriend in the mirror reflection.

"I see you" she yelled. As her and her boyfriend looked around for a way to get out of the trapped area they were in. They finally found the way out and you guys were a minute away from the exit but of course the maze just gets more difficult as you guys get close, but if you put 2 smart brains together you can make it out. You and Jack charged towards the exit as you laughed and held on his shoulders.

After your friend finally exit you all went to get frozen yogurt from across the carnivals mirror house, laughed at all the fails each other made in the maze and enjoyed the remainder or the night.

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