Johnson Dying Your Hair

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A/N ** Don't be confused in why there are 3 different women if it's one reader. I did the pictures based on what the reader may look like with silver hair depending on race or if they are paler, tanner, or darker. I don't discriminate against race/skin so I think it's fair to do picture with different shades of skin.**

" What is up YouTube, welcome back to my channel, so today I am going to be doing your dares" I said with a slight cringe. "So to make sure I'm not being bias with my own fate I will have my boyfriend Jack Johnson pick out my dares" Jack peered behind me and shyly waved to the camera.

"Hey" Jack said as he sat next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "So without further a do twitter dares here we come" Jack said whipping his phone out his pocket and signing into twitter under my account.

"Alright first dare" I said nervously.

"Your first dare is from @ Y/Nismyworld... they said ' I dare you to take a shot of soy sauce and hot sauce' " Jack read aloud giggling.

"Ok not a huge deal but I can manage" I said while Jack handed me the shot glass filled with the disgusting colored liquid. I took the shot and moved on.

"Ooo this is good; Next dare is from @ Y/NandJJIshipit, so do I" Jack said winking at the camera "Any who they said 'I dare you to walk in the middle of the road and when someone honks at you honk back with an air horn' " Jack read holding back his laughter.

----- Time skip-----

I did the next tour dares as some of them were risky others not to bad, but it all came down to the dare that Jack just had to pick.

"The final dare gotta be a big one right" Jack said pointing at the camera and nodding. "So the final dare is to dye your hair" Jack said excitedly because for the longest time Jack wanted you to dye your hair.

" You're kidding right" I said mortified if I dyed my hair and it came out horribly wrong.

" No look" Jack showed me his phone and clapped. "Guys I seriously wanted Y/N to dye her hair forever so thank you-" Jack said looking down at the phone "@ CashJohnson for daring that".

I called my good friend Guy Tang, a famous hair stylist to dye it for me. Next thing I know couple of hours later I was in the chair getting my hair dyed a mysterious color neither Guy or Jack was telling me what it was.

"Stop worrying your gonna love it" Jack said flipping the camera to face him as he leaned down to give me a quick kiss before the Y/H/L and Y/H/C hair was gone and something new. Guy began doing whatever magic he works with hair

---- Time Skip----

"Its time for the big reveal" Guy said spinning your chair around to face the mirror wall. I gasped and moved my hands over my new hair.

"Damn who DAT?" Jack said behind me giving me a small kiss on my neck.
"As nervous I was...I actually really like this. So thank you Guy so much for doing this appointment super last minute.

Your phone lit up with a notification.
@ Jackjackjohnson: My ice queen #YNwithmyfrozenheart.

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