As you can see, I don't like to be insulted

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The iron gates of the park were left behind me as I continued to jog\ speed walk to Evan's.

I passed the smokers way and the playing field.

I rounded the corner and passed the skate park.

It was on the edge of nightfall but Evan had said he'd drive me back in his car cause I'm scared of the dark.

Don't judge! I'm scared a skeletal hand will erupt from the darkness and drag me away.- I have fears like that OK!? That is why we don't leave me alone in the dark!!

To be honest I wasn't thinking about the dark right now. I am one of those people who are OCD about getting to a place on time... Or early.

Long story short, being late killed me from the inside!

I turned the corner to come out of the park by the kids play area. The empty swings creaking creepily in the hazy light.

I bounced on my feet as I neared the gates, knowing I was a mere street away from Evan's house and not being late.

I glanced at my watch. Two minutes to make it there.

I went into super super fast turbo speed walking mode.

Closer and closer and cl\

"Mmmmmhhhhhhmmhhhhhhh" my scream was muffled by the thickly gloved hand that had covered my mouth.

Someone had grabbed me from behind, wrapping one hand around my waist to hold my arms down and one had on my mouth to keep me quiet.

I know that I get really nervous in most social situations, but right now I was thinking,

F*ck f*ck f*ck

And not really worrying what people think of me.

They dragged my thrashing body behind a tree and with the cover of darkness, no one will see us... Or me.

The man that grabbed me had an accomplise, there was two of them against one of me.

What do they want!?!!!

My eyes widened as I recognised the smell of the second man's cologne.

Sh*t! It's Lee.

"I warn you to shut up now" the man holding me growled. Charlie.
He threw me on the ground.

I did as I was told and he slowly removed the hand from my mouth, but keeping it hovering there as if daring me to scream.

Lee passed him a roll of duct tape and I was instantly silenced as it was shoved on my mouth.

They turned me over so I was lying on my stomach and taped my hands behind my back.

Just for safe measure they taped my legs together. I was completely and utterly unable to move.

Charlie grabbed my ponytail and pulled me along the ground until I was well hidden the some bushes.

Then they both took off their balaclavas. My earlier suspicions were correct.

"Oh, my lovely Lil" Lee started, "what a surprise it is to see you here!"

Charlie muffled a laugh.

"So anyways" he continued, " you may be wondering why we are in this situation? Hmm? Well let me see, a certain friend of yours insulted me today. And as you can see, I don't like to be insulted."

He kicked me in the ribs.

I grunted in pain.

He laughed.

"See sweatheart, that won't be happening again will it?"

I shook my head.

"Good. Oh and if anyone ever finds out about this. You will regret it."

He turned to leave. Charlie stopped and addressed me,

"See you on the bus, sweetie" he chuckled as he slapped me around the face and stepped on my leg then walked off.

So that was it. Just me, left lying here. Tied up. Like the friek I am.

Well, at least I was right about something, Lee was planning something.

Yay go me. Now I can read the future.


I woke up with a ripping pain on my lips. My eyes opened suddenly, to see the inside of Evan's living room in front of me.

Evan was leaning over me with something in his hand. It looked like a used piece of duct tape. Then last night came flooding back to me. Crap!

"How did you find me?" I asked Evan causing him to jump as he didn't know I was awake.

"Well I knew you wouldn't stand me up without telling me so I came to search for you. I heard a stick cracking in the trees in the park and thought it might be you so I went over there and and saw you, completely passed out from cold. I carried you here and that's where we are now." If I had just put on a coat!

"Does my mum know?" I cried suddenly.

"No I texted her off ur phone to say my car broke down so you were going to spend the night here and walk back when it's light. Hope you don't mind.?"

"Not at all thanks for thinking to text her!" Sheesh I would be in so much trouble otherwise.

"Who did this to you?" Evan asked in complete sincerity. I hate lying to him but I have to. I don't want a repeat of last night.

"I have no idea. I was walking to the far gates and the last thing I remember is seeing a shadow walking up behind me. I turned around and that's when it all went black." Gritted my teeth. I feel so guilty for lying to him.

"What time is it?" I ask, swiftly changing the subject. He seems to get the point and says, " half past eleven". Oh god! A long night to go before I can go home!

I wonder how this is going to turn out?!


Hiya guys!

I know, don't hate me for making this chapter violent.!! I had to get some drama in there somewhere!

QOTD: Anyone hate Lee and Charlie?

Okay keep...


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