Chapter 11

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A/N I want to let you guys know that you are the best readers like EVER. Oh my god i love you allll!! Ok so the next couple of chapters are going to be from other peoples P.O.V other than Hailey's. So yeahh....keep reading. Never stop being AMAZAYN. 

Liam's P.O.V

I decided to go outside also. Niall won't shut up about Hailey it makes me sick. I feel like he brags about it, and I don't even understand why I like Hailey so much.  Speaking of Hailey, I should apologize to her, I was way to harsh. I just wish she could read my mind so I wouldn't have to tell her how I really felt. How could I even be thinking like this? I have Danielle...I was interupted by my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice. 

"Someone help me!" I stop in my tracks. Who was that? Was that...Hailey? 

"Hailey?" I say aloud. As those words leave my mouth I see a man run from an alley. 

"What the heck?" I question. I go into the alley and I feel like passing out at the sight. There she is...laying on the ground helpless. Wait....why is she just in her underwear? HOLY SHIT. 

"HAILEY!!" I yelp and run towards her. Her cheek is bleeding and her eyes are drooping. Oh my god, oh my god. I take out my phone and call Niall. 

"BOYS COME OVER HERE! KEEP SUZIE AWAY!" I yell into the phone. In a split second Niall, Harry, Louis, and Zayn come. 

"Don't leave me Hailey. Keep your eyes open." I say with tears forming in my eyes. Her eyes close. I was lost. 

"What happened!? HAILEY!?" Louis yells. Niall doesn't say anything. He falls to his knees into a puddle of tears. Louis takes out his phone and calls the police. Zayn's mouth drops open.

"Oh my god!" Harry says panicking he runs up to Hailey and his eyes widen. "Was  she......raped?! She's half naked!" his eyes water up to. 

"NO SHIT!" I can't help myself from saying. The police come and pick Hailey up. We don't tell Suzie what happened. I wish I was Suzie right now. Helpless and innocent, completely unaware. Completely immature. Young. Free. Not open to situations like this. If I'm being 100% honest, the second I saw Hailey in the alley.....I realized that  I was in love with her. I am truly, madly, deeply in love with Hailey. (HAHA SEe WHAT I DID THERE??) 


Niall's P.O.V

It had been an hour since the incident. The incident that made me broken. I feel hurt. I feel even more protective then ever. I feel absoulute and utter terror and love at the same time. I will find the man who did this to her. I will suffocate him with my bare hands and watch him fall to my feet. He will pay for doing this and if Hailey doesn't make it.....I don't know if I will. She's my princess and princesses need proper protection. I love her...

As I sit in the waiting room the doctor calls us in. I feel goosebumps on my arm. I don't want to know what he's going to say. My arm clings to Zayns as I squeeze it hard. 

"Hello boys. My name is Doctor Shniedly and you are here for Hailey right? Or am I mistaken?" The doctor asks. 

"Correct." Zayn answers with a shake. 

"Well her face was cut up bad and she has no broken bones just a few bruises. She is in critical condition." The doctor says. Critical? Oh no. 

"And." Oh no theres an and? "She has been suffering from tetanus, I'm pretty sure you guys would know that-" 

"What?" I practically choke. Louis spits out his water and Zayn's eyes widen. Harry starts crying even more and Liam just sits there, mouth open. 

"She got a bacterial infection from her previous cuts. It looks as if she self harms..and you guys don't know?" the doctor asks, "Oh dear..."

"She c-c-c-c-uts.?" I stammer and almost faint. Everyone looks shocked but Liam. That just makes me even more angry. 


"I KNEW SHE CUT NIALL! I KNEW AND GUESS WHAT? You didn't! She came to me! She told ME she cuts, and NOT you! She made me promise not to tell!" Liam screams. He realizes what he just said. "Oh my god Niall .... I'm so sorry..." He says with tears running down his cheeks. 

"Bastard." I scoff before kicking the trash can and exiting the room. 

Liam's P.O.V

I can't believe I just said that. Oh my god...I am a bastard.

Everyone leaves the room before giving me dirty looks. I feel horrible. I feel like I'm going to vomit.

I run over to the trash can and throw up. I fall onto the ground and clench my stomach. Lord please help me... 

You will never guess what I heard next. Nothing could have predicted what happened next. 


The line went striaght. I started crying. I scream for help. Hailey can't be dead.. no it's impossible. As the boys run in I just keep crying. I don't stop, I continue crying, until I can't feel my throat. They all stare at me in utter horror and then I point at the line. They see the line had stopped beaping. 

I run out of the room. "LIAM COME BACK!" I hear a familiar voice yelll. I ignore it. I need to go home. 

I run out of the hospital. I run to a taxi. I get driven home. I run inside. I run under my covers. I shut my eyes. I try and force myself asleep. It's been 15 minutes. 

The phone rings and I let it go to voicemail.  "Liam?! Where are you?! Well wherever you are I want you to know that Hailey's okay. I'm sorry for freaking out on you. I'm just so petrified from what happened....we'll be back at the hotel soon, but Hailey's spending the night at the yeah. Please Liam. Call  me back I'm worried...bye." It was Niall. I  smile feeling soothed now and finally I can fall asleep. 

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