A Change in Thought (Niall Horan Fan-fiction)

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I was in a deep sleep, when suddenly I hear a loud shriek. I shot up from bed and yelled, “Suzie?! Are you okay?!” No answer. I put on my robe and race out of my room into the kitchen. I grab a phone and get 999 ready to call. I look around the house and try to find where the scream was.

“HEY GIRL IT’S NOW OR NEVER. ITS NOW OR NEVER. DON’T OVERTHINK JUST LET IT GO!” I hear Suzie sing loudly. I walk in and put the phone down. I roll my eyes.

“It’s 3 in the morning.” I say grumpily. She looks up at me with a smirk. She continues dancing with her earplugs in. “IT’S 3 IN THE MORNING!”I say louder so she can hear me. I take her earplugs and rip them out.

“Give it back!” Suzie screams. “One Direction just came out with a new album!” My eyes grow wide and I swear, I think Suzie saw the steam bursting out of my head.

“YOU WOKE ME UP, AT 3 IN THE MORNING, FOR ONE DIRECTION?!?!?!?!” I shout. I pull my own hair and face palm. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you. Let me dumb this down, for even you to understand. They are just some over-rated guy band who will fail like the rest of them. No doubt. You will never end up with them. Nor’ will any of your friends. They are gay. Not in a mean way, but in a serious way. Obviously Henry and Louis love each other.” I argue.

“HARRY! HARRY STYLES! NOT HENRY” Suzie pouts and stomps on my foot. “They are not gay they have a BROMANCE!”

“You’re so overprotective about these people who don’t know you exist. Get over it.” I scoff and pick her up. “You’re going to bed.” Suzie pounds on my back to put her down. I put her in her bed and lay her down. “Goodnight.” I walk out and try to get some shut eye. Finally, as I’m about to fall asleep guess what I hear?

“AND LIVE WHILE WE’RE YOUNG!” Suzie chants. Oi. Tonight is going to be a long night

Authors note: I know it's VERY short lol but it's my first fanfiction and I hope you all like it. I'm going to update again today since this was very extremely short. Again, I aplogize. :( Feedback please? Cause I love feedback. And the next one, I promise will be at LEAST 2 pages. this was just kind of a short starter to the beginning of my book. Not my best work haha lol So love all of you guyz :) <3 

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