Chapter 7

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(Slenderman POV.)
I had a bad feeling something bad had happen to Insanity but knowing her she can be stupid like her father James.
I reading until I heard a knock at the door it was Masky and Hoodie come in I said.Both of them walked in my office to give me their report on their mission but Masky asked "sir where is Insanity at I didn't see her at all today." She wont be back for awhile I got the note she made before she left I said and went back to my book after they left.
(Insanity's POV.)
I held the wolf pup in my mouth as I made my way back to Slenderman mansion.
I heard a growl coming from my left side and looked and saw it was a hellhound.
I thought all of the bounty hunter killed them and sent them back to hell but I guest they missed one after all I'm the only Devil bounty hunter left on earth. I put the small wolf put down and pointed to the bush that was near the right side he got what I was saying and ran and hid in the bush behind me. I let out a demonic howl into the night sky and growl at the hound in front of me to let him know I mean business and won't show marce once he was down. He let out a high pitch howl and growl saying the same thing as I did.
He ran at me but I dodge and clawed his right side causing him to bleed but not enough to kill him. The hellhound jump on to my back biting my left ear tearing half of it off and clawed at my neck and muzzle. I jumped around trying to get him off when I did I jumped at him biting his neck to the point it was bleeding badly.
I kept a good hold of his neck until I heard a satisfying cracking sound the Hellhound was finale dead. I called for the small pup to come out I pick him up again and ran back to the mansion. I didn't stop for nothing.
(A/n.hi peeps what's up another chapter done working on the next.)

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