Chapter 18

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(A week later.)
(Insanity's POV.)
I dont talk not after the accident with Darkness. Toby,Clockwork and Midnight tryed to get me to talk but failed every time Sen and Sally didn't like Bity because they were scared of him and he scares me a little when he trys to bite Jeff because I though he was going to bite me.
I didn't even go near Jeff but I could tell he felt guilty about calling me a few cuss words but I don't even care about that I just avoid him just in case Ghost wants to kill him and she does want to kill him.
I was in my room letting Bity slither on my bed and my back half the time I would pick him up to pet his head for a bit and let him slither around for a few minutes. Blaze became Slendermans hunting partner and would always follow him Smiledog was too scared to come in my room because of Bity would hiss at him.
So Smiledog went back to sleeping in the living room floor next to the fire place.
I decided to fly to see if they build a new house no shocker they were building away looking around making sure no one was watching them work. After they all left it was night time I had already written another note making sure they didn't get any DNA traches I wore my fire proof gloves I put Bity on a tree branch so he could watch I put the note at the edge of the fence's my black fire was in my hand I made another fire bomb out of my fire and threw it at the house watching it go a blaze in my black fire.I heard the police sirens not far from here.So I got Bity and left the sence again.Bity was around my neck.I teleported back home to see Slenderman about to send Masky and Hoodie out to search for me again this is been going on since I ran away to be left alone I also told Toby to not tell anyone about the cliff side I like going to which he kept it a secret since he though I didn't want anyone to know about it.
Masky was about to walk up to me but stopped when he saw my pet snake.
Masky screams like a little girl and past out I'm glad Hoodie didn't scream like Masky. Hoodie stopped walking when Bity began to hiss at him to say ' back the fuck off '. I walked towards Slenderman who was giving me an anger stare. I tilted my head to the side to say'what did I do' and teleported to my room. I locked my bed room door put Bity down so he could slither for a bit so he could some exercise for tonight. I love my friends but this is taking things to far I got in the shower and after words the I put on some fluffy pajamas and walked towards my bed to see Bity has fallen asleep on the left side of my bed. I layed down on my stomach and fell asleep. I woke up at the middle of the night I quietly made got out my bags from under my bed that has everything I needed to survive outdoors. I got Bity who was very angery about me waking him up from his sleep. Bity wrapped around my neck like he did when he came with me when I burned down the house. Once I have everything ready I opened the window with my two bags and quietly got out through the window closing it behind me and made my wings appear and toke off into the night sky.
(A few hours later.)
It was almost day and I was miles away from Slender mansion and I bet they began to think I just went to kill off the people that I wanted to kill for building over my parents grave but think again I burnt the whole fucking town killing everybody in it even the people that built the new house.
I was near the Nevada which was cool I always wanted to go there but I'll stay at a motal. I had to make sure it was pet friendly and to my luck it was. Once I found a good place to land I shift into full human for and toke off my mask which I didn't like at all but had to make sure no one got suspicious that will be bad news. Ill stay the night here and keep on moving in the morning. By now i was drop dead tired. Once i got near the motal i saw a sign saying it was pet friendly. I smiled and walked inside to talk to one of the workers here. After i got done talking and got a room key i went to room 102 onnce i got there i slid the key and open the door it was a pretty neat room there was a small bed a small TV the remote was on the nightstand there was a bathroom near the kitchen. I walk towards the bed and layed down on my stomach. Bity is now on the bed and didnt know where he was at.
I looked at Bity his tounge tickled my nose i pet his head until he fell asleep. I easly got up making sure not to wake up the sleeping snake i put my mask in my bag and left it in there. I pulled an apple out of my bag and ate on it as i watch TV for a bit until it was getting dark then i walked towards the bed and easly picked up Bity and place him on my stomach to keep the little snake warm and so he wont get cold.
(Midnight POV.)
Where the hell is Insanity she is not back from a killing spree and never came home im starting to get worried and began to pace back and forth until Toby came into the living room Do you know where Insanity might be at Midnight Toby asked
No i dont she still havent came home from a killing spree I said as i could tell Everyone was worried that Insanity might have ran away from home but she could be miles from here and i kown that for a fact that Insanity was a fast flyer then me and thats saying alot the town was burnt down who caused it i dont know or care i just want my best friend to be okay and hopful we'll figured out why she ran away. I might know one reason and i knew it would piss her off.
(Insanity POV.)
Once i woke up i toke a cold shower got dress and got everything packed up Bity was up and wrapped around my neck like last time his tougne tickled my neck i fixed the two neckless i wore so the heart shape diamon and the blood red gem stone was in my shirt. After i got everything done i returned the keys and pay for a one night stay and walked outside Bity was still tickling my chin with his tounge.
People gave me a weird look but who gives a rats ass. I made my way towards the woods with nobody noticing me going inside the woods.
(Midnight POV.)
I locked myself in my room i faild one simple task from Ave and now i have nightmare of Insanity being suck up into a worm hole and leaving me. I cryed myself to sleep every night i stopped talking and now i dont eat as much as i used to.
Slenderman told me she would be fine on her own and that its his fault for treating Insanity differently just because of one bleeding lounge and Insanity passing out when i brough her inside.
(Insanity's POV later that night.)
Once everyone was gone home and i was far away from the city i made my wings appear Bity was still around my neck as i flew off into the night sky flew back to where i saw a cave.
After i found it i landed near the caves opening. It was getting dark so i made a bed of leaves and branches from trees and fell asleep with Bity on my stomach.
(A/ this was a longer chapter then the others well.Bye peeps and don't let the nightmare bite.)

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