Chapter 16

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(Le big time skip to December 1)
(Insanity Pov.)
Yes its December my favorite time of the year bitchs and season winter It may be your favorite time of the year but its not mine my favorite time of the year is summer.Ghost said in the back of my mind Your just mad that summer is over with and its cold outside I replied as I walked down the stairs nothing much happen but Toby knew about Ghost because he saw me shift into Ghost and confronted me about why I didn't tell him because I didn't trust him I explained the reason why I didn't tell him and why I didn't need anybody know he understood and told me he would keep it a secret.
I got down stairs see decorations are being put up for Christmas and a Christmas tree that is already decorated. I walked towards the kitchen to get me an apple to eat on for a bit. After I got my apple I went outside to fly for a bit. I put my apple in my jacket pocket I was going to visit my old home. Every time they build a new home I would be there to burn it down before they could finish it. By now I guest they had stop trying to build a new house.
Once I got there I saw them building a new house but had stop for today and went home one by one they left black fire was in my hands ready to go my hair was a blaze with black fire from the anger I held back.
Once everyone left I put down a threat letter saying If you try building a house here I hunt you down and kill you and your loved ones then burn down you home.
P.s. keep building and I'll keep burning I can play this game all day everyday.
I made sure to write this while wearing glove. I had my glove on from my last birthday its fire proof so I could use my black fire. I brought a candle on the front it said RIP Ave and James Storm. I light the candle and as well as the letter put it at the far edge of the fance that surrounded the house. I got my black fire ready and used my black fire to cause the house to explode with black fire but made sure not to leave a sign that I was here and blow up the building. I watch as the house burned to the ground and heard the sirens of police.
I made my wings appear and left the sence flying away far enough so no one could see me.Once I got home I turn the living room TV on and turned it to the news with a shit eating grin on my face by now I was losing what was left of my sanity and knew I needed to be away from people soon. My eyes changed from there normal green color to a light shade of red. Hey Insanity what up Toby said I turned around to face him he saw my eyes were a light red and slowly toke a few steps backwards What the matter Toby scared that I might hurt you I said almost sounding like a psycho.
Toby left the room. I continue to watch the news everyone was in the livingroom watching the news until the part where I burnt down a house came on Slenderman was in here when this part came on.
Hey bitch how come you'll burn down a house but not people Jeff said as he sat down my eyes turned a dark shade of red when he said that Hey I'm fucking talking to you stupid slut Jeff said as I got up and looked at him ready to attack him and summoned my scythe which was made with dark aura and demon blood. Now I lost all of my sanity and ready to kill Jeff.
I teleported us outside so I could attack him. I held my scythe with one hand and summoned a few demons with my free hand and told them to make a circle so no one could stop the fight. They did as told.
I attack Jeff hitting him with the blade of my scythe on his stomach causing blood to come of the wound HAHA is that all you got Jeffrey Wood's I yelled as i laugh my voice sounded demonic and not my old happy voice. Jeff tryed to attack but fail I moved out of the way with my lightning fast speed I dodge dowdown to the last second. Jeff tripped and fell on the ground with knife in hand. Dark aura has surrounded me making me more powerful then before. Jeff got up off the ground and everyone was watch to see what happens to Jeff and I. Jeff ran at me and I used a dark aura sphere and launch it at Jeff.
The dark aura hits him in the stomach where I first hit him causing him to cough up blood. Slenderman tryed to stop me but fail miserably. The coulds in the sky starts to darken as the fight continued on but I won in the end.After the fight I realized what had happen I let Darkness control me which this only happen once when I was 12 years old I had attacked EJack and never forgave myself for it even knowing he forgave me for attacking him.
I made my wings appear and flew away towards Slender forest but past it and kept flying.
(Toby POV.)
WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPEN TO INSANITY I yelled at Slenderman knowing it was a bad choice to yell at him I understand you all don't know about Insanity's other personality her name is Darkness shell take control over Insanity when she is at a weak point of breaking down this is why she never sheds a tear Slenderman said as everyone walked inside so Slenderman could explain a few things about Insanity and all he knows about her past.
(Insanity's POV.)
I cant believe Darkness got loose and nearly killed Jeff and almost the others.
If there is one thing I can't do is go back home and face them they might hate me for hurting Jeff.Yea he maybe a big mother fucking dich shit head at time but I could never live with the fact that I let Darkness out and nearly killed him.
Just calm down before you have a panic attack like you did the first time she got out and nearly killed EJack Ghost said but she didn't help any at all now I'm having a hard time breathing I knew a panic attack has just started and I was getting dizzy and saw black spots covering my vision and past out.
(Toby's POV)
I can't believe what Slenderman has told us even the fuck face that caused Insanity's to snap was shocked and he properly felt guilty for what he had said to Insanity who is god knows where she is. Hey Slenderman I going out to look for Insanity and won't be back for awhile I said as I walked up the stairs towards my room a to gather a few things and clockwork agreed to come with me so I won't be along to help find Insanity.

(A/n.This is along chapter if you ask me but I like to make long chapters so there would be more to read and not have to get mad because of short chapter but no offense to any one who makes books with short chapter.BYE PEEPS..)

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