Love is a Curious Thing- Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to Heidi Smith

Chapter Two

Sherlock called John’s name as he ran up the stairs towards his room. He had questions, mountains of questions. The only thing that had stopped him from asking them all whilst John was sitting next to him was the fact that he knew that John didn’t want to be asked. Normally Sherlock wouldn’t care about how other people felt about the interrogation, but Sherlock did care when it came to John. Because Sherlock was in love with John.

Love, anyone that knew Sherlock or had associated with him, no matter how briefly, knew that feelings were something Sherlock didn’t have. Well if he did he never showed them. But John, John uncovered the face behind the mask, the cold mask that he always hid behind. Sherlock didn’t know why this was the case and neither did John, but Sherlock did know the many reasons why he was so in love with Doctor John Watson.

John was beautiful, eyes, nose, mouth, hair, cheeks everything about the Doctor was stunning. The way he still put pressure on his right hand in the form of holding a crutch, when he was standing. The way he bent over and put his hands on his knees when he was out of breath. The way he always came home from the store complaining about the chip and pin machine. The way he rolled over in his sleep approximately every 4.37 minutes. The way John knew that Sherlock sometimes watched him as he slept and yet he didn’t mind and didn’t say anything. The way he put up with Sherlock’s incessant ranting and raving and damn right stubbornness.

Sherlock was confused at John’s abrupt exit. He had figured out that John was in deep, deep thought when Sherlock stupidly interrupted the silence. He had also figured out that it was something private by the way he changed his body posture as soon as Sherlock had questioned him. The tomato colour that the Doctor had turned was also a bit of a giveaway.

But what was so private to John was a mystery to Sherlock, although he did have inkling that it had something to do with him. He hoped it was something to do with him; it was nice to think that John thought about him so deeply, that Sherlock could not get his attention for a whole two minutes.

Although Sherlock knew this was just wishful thinking. The feeling between John and Sherlock couldn’t be mutual. John had had many girlfriends in the time that the duo had known each other. Although in the past six months John had been unattached and this brought a spark of hope to Sherlock’s mind.

He felt like a needy teenager. Just a bucket full of love, jealousy, longing, hope, hormones, sadness, lust, confusion and anger.

But mostly love.

Sherlock’s mind quickly filled with thoughts of the Doctor and as the thoughts began to escalate the Detective began to swell. This was something that had been happening a lot recently. After a few days of having to excuse himself to the bathroom and do his business, Sherlock had finally figured out a way to, put it down, so to speak!

Anderson was the perfect cure. Thinking about Anderson sickened him instantly and thoroughly and this easily reduced the problem. Although Sherlock secretly wished John would notice his erection and piece the clues together, just like Sherlock had taught him to do. However he also wanted John to stay oblivious to Sherlock’s feelings so that the Detective would not have to face the embarrassment of John’s discovery.

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