Love is a Curious Thing.

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Chapter One

John awoke from a deep slumber suddenly to the sound of a loud smash coming from the kitchen below, and Sherlock cursing loudly. Hurriedly throwing the sheets off of himself and onto the floor the Doctor shoved his arms through their appropriate holes in his favorite grey dressing gown. He then proceeded to tie it quickly around his half naked body, and ran down the stairs. They creaked loudly under his bare feet and the John briefly imagined them breaking under foot. However he quickly dismissed this thought from his mind with a shudder.

As he reached the bottom of the staircase John barged through the flat that he knew all too well and made his way towards the kitchen doorway.

"Sherlock are you okaaaay. Oh." Standing in the middle of what used to be the kitchen was Sherlock. He was surrounded by dozens of cardboard boxes and the table was piled high with test tubes, books, microscopes and several human body parts which John could not identify. But John was not occupied by this at all. Instead John was staring wide eyed at the beautiful man in front of him.

Sherlock was wearing only a pair of tight boxer shorts which hinted to what was underneath and it made the Ex Army Doctor stare. However he quickly averted his gaze as he did not want to get caught staring. He already knew that Sherlock had caught him though. He didn't miss a thing that man. Reluctantly, Johns gaze travelled further up his flat mate's body and he lingered on his beautiful chest and abs. Again he quickly moved his eyes although he knew it was useless anyway. Then his eyes came to rest on the man's beautiful face. Eyes sharp and alert yet somehow soft in a way which only the good Doctor could ever got the chance to see. John knew that this was the case and it made him fill up with joy whenever he caught the gaze that the Consulting Detective saved only for John. Sherlock's hair was as neat as it could get, due to his crazy curls, because Sherlock rarely ever slept, and when he did it was only ever for a few hours. However Sherlock never seemed to tire. John wished it was the same for him. The detective's unique Cupid Bow lips were pulled up into a smirk and John realized he had been staring for quite a while.

"Erm John? A little help here?" Sherlock asked with a chuckle and the Doctor blushed at the thought of being caught checking him out.

"What's wro- holy shit Sherlock what the hell did you do?"

"I cut my arm" He said simply holding it up to the light and wincing at the sharp movement. Because John had been so busy eyeing him John had not noticed the massive gash located on his left forearm. Blood was dripping on to the floor and this served as a proper wakeup call. John started shoving cardboard box after cardboard box out of the way whilst attempting not to step on any glass. This was becoming increasingly difficult as he got closer to Sherlock however and as he got slower he got more worried that the detective was losing a lot of blood.

"Well that much is obvious!" said John annoyed whilst clambering over a particularly tall mound of cardboard boxes.

"I was experimenting." Said Sherlock to John, clearly thinking that John could work everything out just from that.

"Well in case you hadn't noticed Sherlock, I'm not you and I can't figure everything out just from that single sentence." He snapped at the Detective and he instantly regretting it.

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