Love is a Curious Thing- Chapter 9

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So guys this chapter is shorter than usual because I plan to start the next chapter off with the 'Cold Shoulder War' I am hoping to try and make it funny but I am not the best at comedy. Because this chapter is so short I plan to make the next Chapter longer than usual.

I love you all loads, thank you for the support. Please comment, vote and fan it really helps and I love to know what you guys are thinking. Constructive Criticism is always welcome.

Love and Cookies

Scarlett xx


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Chapter Nine





“Sherlock for god’s sake”

“John I refuse to let you”

“Sherlock you cannot keep me in here like I’m some sort of prisoner”

This seemed to hit a nerve and Sherlock flinched slightly for a second before regaining his composure. John watched as Sherlock turned around with a brief “fine” before picking up his violin and beginning to play a tune which John recognized as Ysaye Sonata No. 8, how he knew that he did not know.

John stared blankly at Sherlocks back for a minute before grabbing his cane and walking towards Sherlock. He kissed him on the cheek and said “I’ll be fine” before walking out of the door and down the stairs.


Sherlock carried on playing until he heard John shut the front door, and saw him hail a TAXI that would take him to the centre of town. He carried on playing until he heard the TAXI pull up outside 221B and the front door open and close. He carried on playing as John hobbled up the stairs and into the kitchen, as he opened the cupboard and emptied a packet of Paracetomol into his hand.

He didn’t stop as John sat down opposite him and opened the paper he had bought. He carried on as John read out possible cases, at least that’s what he thought was being read out, he wasn’t listening. He was far too busy playing and thinking.

He played as John made dinner, ate dinner, washed up and put on some rubbish called “Doctor Who”

He ignored John’s protests as he tried to watch the show, and blanked him when John tried to make conversation. He didn’t even react when John put dinner in front of him and told him to eat.

John was used to this behavior, but Sherlock had never ignored him for this length of time. He guessed he was angry at him for leaving on his own, but he wasn’t Sherlocks prisoner, he was allowed to go out. He could walk fine on his own for fair distances. It wasn’t even like he’d walked far, he got a taxi, walked into a shop walked out and then got back in the taxi.

Jesus he understood that Sherlock worried about him, he understood that he didn’t want him to get hurt again, but he was taking things a bit too far. Well if Sherlock wanted to play this game John would win, he was the champion at cold shouldering. He once ignored Harry for 8 whole days after she got Wasted, Arrested and John had to g and bail her. he could do this, Sherlock couldn’t play this forever and when he gave up John would never let him hear the end of it.

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