Love is a Curious Thing

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Chapter Three

An hour later and Sherlock was throwing cardboard boxes around the room, in an attempt to tidy up the bomb site that was the kitchen. John was watching in amusement and adoration, unbeknown to Sherlock of course. Sherlock had attempted to persuade to help him tidy up his mess but John had made up a very weak excuse in an attempt to escape this chore. He was meant to be writing in his blog but he was too caught up in the beautiful and hilarious scene before him.

Sherlock had thrown on a dressing gown and slippers after John had fixed his arm up, much to John’s disappointment. He was amazed by the detective. John knew from first hand experience that stitches hurt, they hurt a lot, so seeing Sherlock running round the kitchen, arms flailing about madly, made John feel strangely proud of Sherlock. Proud that he was actually attempting to tidy up for one, but more so at his bravery. He knew for a fact that Sherlock was in pain and yet, for John’s sake he was putting himself purposely out of his depth and helping.

It had been an hour since Sherlock had started to “tidy” and he hadn’t gotten anywhere. John felt quite guilty, that he had been sitting staring for an hour whilst Sherlock was tidying, while he was injured. Actually when he focused on that guilt he felt extremely guilty. Putting Sherlock through that was cruel, John realized and the guilt welled up from his stomach and enveloped him in a big bubble.

John was quick to mentally pop it however so that he could go and help the poor man.

“Sherlock” John said quietly, the guilt nearly overpowering. Why did he feel so guilty? Sherlock spun on his heels to face John with a pained smile on his face.

“Yes John?”

“I’m sorry”

“Sorry?” The Detective queried in confusion.

“For making you do this when you’re injured”

“John, don’t be stupid I offered. Anyway it doesn’t hurt” He said putting on a brave face.

“Sherlock I’m not stupid, I know you’re in pain. God what a crap Doctor I am, what a crap friend I am.” John bowed his head and examined the floor in an attempt not to cry.

“Hey John you’re not a crap friend. You’re a great friend. A great Doctor as well might I add. John, why are you crying? John?”

Sherlock’s kind words just pushed him over the edge and John couldn’t take it anymore. The sadness of having to hide the fact he was irrevocably in love with his best friend. The guilt of putting Sherlock in more pain than was needed. The anger that Sherlock hadn’t deduced that he was in love with him.

“John, what’s wrong, please tell me” Sherlock asked voice racked with pain.

“I don’t deserve you” John replied through sobs as he sunk to the floor.

“Don’t deserve me! John you are the best man I have ever met. I am the one that doesn’t deserve you”

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