Love is a Curious Thing: Explanation

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Guys I am so sorry for making you wait so long for the next chapter.

I wrote it all on my tablet and when I went to post it, it was gone.

I am so sorry but I am in the process of re-writing it now. Thank you so much for your patience guys you are brilliant you know that?

As an apology I shall give you a snippet of the chapter shall I?

This could be anywhere in the chapter, have fun guessing what's going on ;)


“John, what are you talking about? Dear you haven’t even had breakfast”

“Sorry Mrs Hudson bit of a rush, I’ll explain later” He shouted as he slammed the door of the flats and rushed onto the curb outside.

“TAXI!” He yelled, as one drove past. It slowed to a stop in front of him and John jumped in.

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