Love is a Curious Thing- Chapter 5

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So guys, here is the long awaited chapter five. Sorry for the massive wait. Life got in the way. Next chapter I am hoping will be up by the end of the month. I know that seems ages away but I am really busy and the next chapter will be in Sherlock's POV and he is always difficult to write.

Please vote, comment, fan etc. it boosts my self esteem and really helps my writing.


Love and Cookies




Just ignore it.


It’ll stop soon.


Piss off Sherlock


With a muffled groan John Watson lifted his head from off of his pillow and stared hatefully at his phone. The engraving “Harry Watson From Clara xxx” looked back at him, it seemed smug, too smug for John’s liking.

Jesus he needed to sleep more often, he had thought it would be easier to cope without sleep now he had been living with the world’s only consulting detective for three years. But it seemed not, and right now it seemed someone needed him.

Grudgingly John reached for his phone and saw he had four new messages, of course they were all from Sherlock.

Scotland Yard. Come quickly, SH” -08:22

Get up; Lestrade’s got a case for us, SH” -08:24

John, stop ignoring me and come to Scotland Yard, SH” -08:23

The kitchen is really going to suffer if you don’t turn up in the next half an hour you know, SH” -08:26

It must be quite an interesting case for Sherlock to be pressing him to come so frequently. Besides John knew that the threat against the kitchen was not empty and that Sherlock wouldn’t give a damn if it went up in smoke. He checked the time 10:02; he was surprised Sherlock hadn’t woken him up earlier.

Sherlock was also a very punctual being, and John was almost 100% sure that there would be a 30 minute countdown going on somewhere in the depths of his unfathomable mind.

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