Love is a Curious Thing Chapter Six

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 So Guys Chapter Six, sorry for the horrifically long wait.

Okay so part of this was quite awkward to write because I happen to know a couple of my friends are reading this so erm, Shoutout to Maria and Acacia!

I am dreading writing the sex scenes.

Sooo anyway vote, comment, fan etc. if you are enjoying my story! And please please, please comment some constructive criticism or just tell me what you think maybe?

Love you al



Chapter Six







 It was already getting on John’s nerves and he had only been awake for about two minutes. It was the only thing he could hear, it was pounding against his ear drums. To John it felt as though every beep was making it harder for him to breath.

He felt claustrophobic, as though a massive weight was pressing down on his chest.

John tried to calm down; he was a Doctor he knew that panicking wouldn’t help.

 “Deep breaths.” He thought to himself, “Deep breaths.”

He couldn’t calm down though, all he could think of was how much pain was radiating out of his body from his head, left side and left shoulder.







It was becoming so much harder to breath.

John was aware he was hyperventilating and the light which he had been half aware of seemed to be getting brighter and brighter and it was blaring through his closed eyelids.

John clenched them tighter than he ever had before.

“Shhhh, John Shhhh, it’s okay.” He heard a deep voice say quietly beside his ear.

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