Love is a Curious Thing

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Hey Guys, if things go to plan there should be some case drama in the next chapter. Anyway if you are still here and sticking with this story then thank you so much, it means a lot. So guys please vote and fan if you think me or my story deserves it and please comment. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

Thank you,

Scarlett xxx

Chapter Four

Why did he keep apologizing? Why, why, why? John was extremely hard to read. There was nothing to apologize about. Sherlock was grateful that John thought he could trust Sherlock enough to have a good cry on his shoulder. Of course he knew that John trusted him, but it was nice to have proof now and again. Not that he needed it of course, he could deduce everything anyway. Well anything except feelings, it seemed. Not that he would ever admit to anyone that he was having trouble.

Sherlock locked the door to the bathroom behind him and stepped in front of the tiny mirror, edges cloudy with condensation. Wiping this away with an annoyed growl he stared at his pale reflection and sighed. He rubbed at his temples, attempting to rid the headache he felt coming on. A headache was the last thing he needed, that would make it harder to figure out what the whole crying scenario was about.

Sherlock turned the shower onto the coldest setting, stripped off his dressing gown, underwear and slippers and stepped into the torrent of ice cold water. However the cold water didn’t seem to have as much of an effect on his body that Sherlock had hoped. He had hoped it would clear his head a bit and help him focus on John’s reaction. But his body seemed to be completely repellent to the freezing torrent. Sighing in frustration he proceeded to grab the shampoo off of the side of the bath, (The shampoo that John had banned Sherlock from using in any experiments. Apparently it was too expensive to go to waste. Sherlock still didn’t understand how it was in any way a waste.) And squeezed it onto his palm. He then rubbed it into his untamable curls, with such vigor that the headache he had been on the brink of, suddenly seemed to engulf his whole head.

“Crap, jeez ouch.” Sherlock cursed under his breath at the pounding in his head and quickly rinsed out the Shampoo. As much as he hated to admit it, he needed to sleep. Wait what was he saying, he had slept three hours last night, that was usually enough to last him two days.

“Love is having some bad effects on my brain” Sherlock thought to himself sourly. Stepping out of the shower Sherlock wrapped his lower half in a white towel, scowled at his neglected reflection in the mirror, unlocked the bathroom door and walked straight into John.

“How cliché” both the men thought to themselves.

“Sorry I was just going to my room” John and Sherlock said in synchrony.

“Right, yes sorry.” John replied distractedly, he seemed to be trying to look anywhere but his flat mate.

“No, it’s fine” Sherlock replied, frowning at how John was acting.

“You know I didn’t even realize that it’s three in the morning!” The shorter man chuckled, slowly raising his eyes to meet his best friends beautiful ice blue eyes.

“As ever you see but do not observe John, there is a clock in the kitchen.”

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