Love is a Curious Thing- Chapter 11

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Apologies in advance for any spacing mishaps.

Hello everyone, sorry for the wait for this chapter, I wanted it to be something special and I ran out of inspiration for a while, I didn't want to write for the sake of it. I also moved house in the space of time I've been away so as you can imagine I've been rather busy.

Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter, and please tell me what you think in the comments? And vote and fan if you think my Story and I deserve it.

Thank you for being so patient and lovely as usual.



Chapter Eleven

John sat opposite Sherlock drinking a cup of tea and watching The Chase, the host Bradley Walsh asked trivial questions which John occasionally answered, usually incorrectly. He ignored Sherlock’s mocking snorts and glared daggers at the T.V every time he was proved wrong.

Sherlock sat opposite John, scrolling aimlessly through his email inbox and occasionally answering the questions on the pointless game show John was watching. He always answered them correctly and snorted when John got them wrong.

“Finish the following famous quote from the Dalai Lama ‘Always think…’

A-     Positivity

B-     Compassion

C-      Love

John smiled smugly to himself and answered “Compassion” rewarding himself with another Chocolate Digestive when Bradley told him he was correct. John was secretly hoping a question about the Solar System would crop up at some point and he could laugh at Sherlock’s horrified face as John proved him wrong. Something that rarely happened at all.

It was a Tuesday Afternoon, the rain was pelting against the window and the wind whistled through tiny cracks between the panes. It was a cold day, a dramatic change from the warm weather they had previously been having. John was wrapped in his duvet and still in his Pajamas, there was no case worth leaving the flat for, which was why Sherlock was looking through his email inbox. Even if a case did crop up John would not be joining the Detective anyway. The pair had not spoken to each other directly for four days and John was pretty certain that half the reason Sherlock tolerated him at the crime scenes anyway because John was the only one that ever complimented him. He was a little child deep down, he loved the attention and they both knew it.

“Boring, boring, dull, primary school stuff, boring. Ugh God I need to do something” Sherlock moaned throwing his laptop onto the seat next to him and leaning back over the sofa. John smiled fondly at the man opposite him and propped his feet up on the coffee table, taking another digestive from the packet.

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