Love is a Curious Thing - Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

So when I said I was going to make it longer and funny... I lied. Sorry I was in the mood for angst. But now we've got this over with, I will write a nice happy comedic chapter next I promise.

Please leave a comment telling me what you think and vote, comment and fan it really boosts my confidence.

I love you all, thank you for reading!!

Scarlett xx

“Two days, really Brother Dear I thought you would have learnt your lesson, you do remember ‘91 I hope.”

Mycroft Holmes was sitting in John Watsons chair with a smug smirk and a pack of cards shuffling from one hand to another. Sherlock Holmes was sitting in his own chair, an annoyed scowl on his face and a cup of coffee in his right hand. Both were sitting with their feet up on the coffee table between them and both were thinking completely different things.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh I think you do Sherlock, I think you do. And I think you know you’re not going to be able to win this”

“Oh I think I will. Regrettably you know me better than anyone; you know what a stubborn arse-hole I am.”

“I also know how pathetic you are when it comes to attention. You crave it; why else would you do what you do”

“Pathetic” Sherlock hissed, “You’re calling me pathetic?”

“Yes I am” Mycroft raised an eyebrow, “Oh don’t start Sherlock, we both know it’ll do no good to argue about it now.”

“We’ve never stopped arguing about it Mycroft” Sherlock said, the anger bubbling up inside him suddenly. However these feelings were quickly replaced with old ones, old feelings of fright and humiliation. Sherlock was quick to banish them, close the door on his emotions like he had done so many times before. Mycroft would not do this to him. He wasn’t a child anymore; he had decided a long time ago that he would lock those memories away. He refused to give Mycroft the key. But Mycroft had always had the upper hand psychologically; he knew how to play with people’s heads. And he’d had a lot of time to get to grips with Sherlock’s complex mind.

“Mmm, I am of course still winning I believe?” Mycroft queried with a final shuffle of the cards.

Sherlock replied with a sharp laugh and a sip of coffee; “You wish”

“Sherlock for god sake it was nearly 25 years ago, get over it. Stop acting like such a child”

“Get over it?! Get over it!? How can you even dare say that Mycroft? HOW?” Sherlock didn’t even try to contain his anger this time. He threw his Coffee cup onto the table with such vigor that the liquid splashed all over his pristine suit trousers and Mycroft’s pack of cards.

“What did you expect me to do? Stand up to him? Use your common sense Sherlock can you imagine what he would have done to me?”

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