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I'm so sorry for the long wait guys, I've had a lot going on recently. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and please tell me what you think.

(sorry it wont go off the underline setting) and I apologise some of the line settings have gone weird.




Love you all xx

Chapter Eight

John was sent home the next day; he was able to walk fair distances but Sherlock stayed by his side whenever he moved, just in case. The two had swapped numbers with Laura, they wanted to keep in touch with the young woman and she pestered them about being invited to the wedding, which she was positive would be occurring in the near future.

It was two days into John’s arrival that John brought up the subject that had been whirling around his brain nonstop since his return. What was going on with his and Sherlock’s relationship?

They had joked about marriage for god’s sake! What was going on? He had been so caring at the hospital, he was still looking after him now, and it was like he was a whole new person. John had to admit it was a lovely side to him, although he did miss the old Sherlock. Sure he still made a mess of the kitchen with his bloody experiments and still played his violin at god knows what hour in the morning. But he kind of missed the Sherlock he knew before the accident, the Sherlock he had fallen in love with. He missed the Sherlock who sat on his arse and yelled things at the telly whenever there wasn’t a case “interesting” enough, the Sherlock who kept heads in the fridge and insulted everyone and everything he laid eyes on.

He wasn’t complaining of course, he loved Sherlock to pieces, more than he ever thought possible and it was nice to see a new side to him, it was nice to finally be able to talk to him without being insulted or out smarted.

Although there were some rather awkward downsides to not being able to do much yourself; Because Sherlock would not let him go anywhere on his own and John could not stand up himself without being in pain and sitting back down, Sherlock insisted on taking him to the toilet and dress him e.c.t.

Sherlock did not seem too phased by this, but for John it was the most awkward thing he had ever had to endure. He was sick of not being able to do anything by himself, he was an independent man and he hated being totally dependent on Sherlock.  He knew it was necessary however, he was of course still very weak and his shoulder and side still throbbed with the slightest movement and he was glad to have the help.

Shaking his head and escaping from his daydreams he looked over at Sherlock who was perched like an eagle on the arm chair opposite. He knew that the longer he pondered on how to approach Sherlock then the more he would panic and Sherlock would eventually sense that something was wrong.

After taking a deep breath and shifting slightly in his chair John plucked up the courage to ask him.

“Sherlock?” John said quietly, hoping he wouldn’t hear him and he would have an excuse to wimp out of the whole situation.  But of course Sherlock heard him and John had to go through with it. 

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