Love is a Curious Thing- Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Hey Guys I am sorry for the absolutely horrendous wait.

This is really a filler chapter but there's lots of fluff so I hope you forgive me for that.

Constructive criticism is so helpful so please, please tell me how amazing, or shit or average my writing is and please give me stuff to improve on!!

Please, please, please comment, vote and fan please it really makes my day.

Love you all loads



Over the next few weeks John had many visitors, the most regular being Molly, Mrs Hudson and Mike. Greg and Mycroft also visited a few times, they appeared together most days. John found it quite amusing as it was clear to him that the two were together. He didn’t say anything however; he didn’t want to make anything awkward. Of course, Sherlock had deduced within seconds that the two were “seeing each other” but he decided not to comment, for a completely different reason, he would have a lot more leverage against his brother if he waited and gathered more information.

Sherlock had, as promised, not left John’s side; of course he left for coffee and loo breaks e.c.t but apart from that he sat in the bedside chair next to him and he was perfectly content with that, of course he missed the cases, running around London with his blogger. But since he and John had discovered their feelings for each other he had been a lot more careful not to hurt John’s feelings. He knew of course that John was barely feeling 50% let alone 100 and he did not want to lose him. He couldn’t lose John like he had lost everyone else.

The pair had not yet established what they were, boyfriends, partners, friends with benefits. But they had both mutually decided that they would cross that bridge as soon as John was out of hospital.

Three weeks after John had been admitted to hospital it was time for him to leave the bed and practice walking again before he could leave. He had to have a walking stick for a couple of months as the injury to his side had had temporary effects to his leg as well. He was extremely upset about this, he had enough experiences with crutches to last him a life time but he found a bit of comfort in knowing that it was only temporary.


“Bye Molly thanks again for the tea” John said as Molly left the hospital room, it was time for John to take his first step out of bed and Molly didn’t want to get in the way, bless her.

John let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding, he found it more awkward now than ever when Molly was in the room, her doting on Sherlock was almost painful for John to watch, now that he and Sherlock were…well whatever they were. After the Irene Adler case Sherlock had been a bit less cold towards Molly, but only enough to make sure John didn’t hit him.

John turned to Sherlock and gasped as he realized Sherlock’s face was inches away from his own.

“You’re beautiful, did you know that?” John whispered in awe, taking in his perfect features.

As a matter of fact I did” Sherlock smirked, pecking John on the lips before leaning back on his chair.

John scowled at him before leaning over, grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards him. Their lips clashed and John grabbed Sherlock’s curls pulling him impossibly closer. Their lips moved in perfect synchronization, tongues tangling in pure bliss. Sherlock placed his hand on the back of John’s head, caressing his neck. Sherlock moved his mouth down to John’s neck, kissing towards his injured shoulder and then back up to his lips. He repeated this a few times, earning moans from John.

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