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AN: So I have decided to make a new Sheo story since I haven't made a Sheo story in like a year. So enjoy!

Here is the summary: Shailene and Theo are co-stars but they're just not co-stars they are best friends. The media lately has been making rumors about Shai and Theo dating. Ruth, Theo's girlfriend is not happy with these rumors. So Theo comes with an idea to fake date Shailene. To let the media get what they want for a couple of months and will end up breaking up with her. Eventually Shai ends up falling for Theo. But will Theo fall for her?

"You never know who you
falling for till that moment"

I walk into my trailer to get a shower
since filming is done for today. I grab my towel and I step into the shower.

  After I'm done my shower, I get changed and I walk into the couch area. I sit down and I check my phone if anyone texted me.

I'm not into social media, I just use my phone to contact people or take pictures. I don't really use it for any social media.

I'm actually really tired, we had to wake up extra early to film this scene this morning. I pick up the remote off the coffee table and I turn on the tv.

I switch through channels looking for something to watch. Then the trailer door burts open and Theo sits down next to me.

Then he takes the remote from me. "Hey Man I was watching that." I say.
Theo presses a couple of buttons on the remote abc changed to another channel.

Theo stands up and stands next to the tv on the wall. "Are Shailene Woodley and Theo James secretly dating I think they are based on these pictures" A women says.

I see pictures of Me and Theo Kissing. We went out to get lunch on our break three days ago. We never kissed they photoshopped that!

"They photoshopped that." I say. Theo crosses his arms at me. "I know, it's so annoying because we can never get a break."

He's right, we do never get a break. But I would never change anything to not have this job.

"I know, but we need to just ignore them." I say. If you just ignore the paparazzi they will go away.

"I have been trying that Shai, but it's not working and Ruth is really pissed at me and I told her it was photoshopped." Says Theo. Oh yeah, it's all about Ruth. Ruth, Ruth.

"So what are we going to do?" I ask. Theo sits down next to me and sighs. "I don't know, why can't they just say we're just friends I don't get it."

I don't get it either. I don't like Theo more than a best friend. But it kinda hurts when he only thinks me as a friend.

"Yeah..." I sigh. Theo leans back on the couch. "I have an idea." He says. What is his idea? I just hope it's nothing to make our friendship private. "What is it?" I ask

"Okay I have to talk to Ruth about this first but I think we should date for a couple months to let the media get what they want." Says Theo.

"You mean like fake date?" I ask. Theo nods at me. "Why do you want to do this?" I ask. "So the media can get what they want so we date for a couple months acting like a couple and then we break up and they won't bother us anymore."

"Theo I don't know if we should do this." I say. He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Cmon Shai would you rather deal with these people photoshopping pictures of us and it could get worse."

"No." I say. "Good, I'll let you know if Ruth is okay with this." Says Theo.

I nod and he walks into the bathroom. I feel this is a bad idea in my gut. But I rather not let people making rumors about us. Especially photoshopping pictures.

After Filming today I decided to take a bath and then make me a small dinner. I had made me an organic salad.

I lay on the couch, reading some articles on my MacBook. I hear a knock on my door and I tell them too come in.

Theo comes inside my apartment and he sits down on the couch next to me. "Good news Ruth has agreed to the plan." He says.

"Great." I sarcastically say. I'm surprised Ruth even agreed to this plan I would expect her to say no but oh well.

"Tomorrow we're going to go out to lunch and we will stand on the street just acting like a couple and I'm going to kiss you and we're going to see if anyone takes pictures." Says Theo. "Okay." I say. I'm just looking at my computer screen I'm not even bother looking at him.

"Anyways did you buy any junk food?" Says Theo. I just roll my eyes and I look at him. "Really you honestly think I would have bought junk food?" I laugh.

"Yeah." Says Theo.

"Your ridiculous." I say. He scoots up next to me so he can see my computer screen. "Whatcha reading?"

"This article about life Theo, you should know me better." I say. He leans his head on my shoulder. "I wanna read too."

"Really, I thought you read other things that have to do with video games." I say. "Shai, that was when I was like a teenager and they were not the fancy kind like today." Says Theo.

"I know I just think you play video games secretly, because you never had those games when you were a kid." I laugh. "Wow Shai wow." He says.

He stands up and looks at me. "Well I'm going to get some shut eye, so goodnight Shailene my girlfriend." He laughs. Then he winks at me and shuts the door.

Well this is going to be an interesting couple of months.

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These chapters are going to be shorter than my other stories so it can be easier to update faster!

I'll probably upload the next chapter later tonight if not then tomorrow morning.


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