5 》caмpιng

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"I always be here to
comfort you Shai."
It has been maybe two weeks, since me and Theo had our little fight. He has tried to talk to me after filming but I would just ignore him.

He tried to knock on my apartment door and I never answer him. He tried to call and text me but I would never respond back.

I just can't be with him. He really hurt me and I don't want to. It's just not worth it anymore. He is going to marry Ruth and that's what is going to happen.

There is nothing I can do to stop it. I came back from filming about an hour ago. I'm eating dinner alone, today is Friday.

Me and Theo always use to go out on dinner on Fridays but right now that isn't going to happen. I hear a knock coming from my door.

I open the door and I see Zoë standing there. "Hey Zoë." I say. She smiles at me. "Hey Shai, I was wondering you wanted to come camping with me and Miles and some extras?"

Camping? That sounds really fun. I should go since I haven't been out anywhere lately and it would be really good for to go. "Sure." I say.

"Okay pack your stuff, meet us in the lobby in fifteen minutes and were only going camping for two days." She says. I nod and I shut the door.

There is something now for me to get my mind off Theo.

Once we reach the camping site where standing in. I help Zoë unload our stuff out from the trunk. She said that Miles is bringing the tents for us.

There is public bathrooms here that also includes a shower but that's about it. She said this is a popular camping site so they put bathrooms here instead of port a potties.

I help Zoë load the stuff into our camping site. Another car pulls up and Zoë walks over to it. I start to unpack our stuff.

Then I see Miles, Ansel, a couple of extras that are used on the set, and Theo? Theo?

What is he doing here? Why is he here. I don't want to talk to him. Zoë brings Theo over to me. I stand up and cross my arms. "Since you two need to get along, you are going to get along this weekend."

"I don't want to talk to him." I say. "Well your going to, because you two are sharing a tent." She is making us a share a tent.

"You two are best friends and you need to work this out." Says Zoë. She walks away from us and helps some people set up the girls test. That's where I should be sleeping.

After Dinner we decided to roast some marshmallows. I sit next to Zoë on a log but Theo sits across from me. The fire is the only thing blocking us.

"You know guys, I was really hesitant about doing a young adult film because I thought I was too old but this was the best choice I've ever made because you guys are my family." Says Zoë

I smile. She's right this is our family and we have only one more year after this. And then it'll be all over.

I don't want it to be all over. I'm not ready it to be over. Because I won't see everyone like I used to. Nothing will be the same.

I finally get into the tent and I get underneath my sleeping bag. Theo comes inside the tent.

The tent is really small it's only meant for two people. So Theo is going to be right there when I'm sleeping.

"Shai can we please talk about what happened?" Says Theo. I just shake my head. "Please." He whispers.

"I don't want to Theo, just leave me alone please." I say. I hear Theo sigh and he lays back down.

Then all of a sudden the lantern we have in our tent stops working. I bang on it to see if it'll work. "Why did the lantern go out?" I ask.

"I don't know, maybe it ran out of batteries." Says Theo. "Well did you bring any?"

"No." Says Theo. I just roll my eyes. Great I'm standing in a dark tent with my best friend Theo who I'm pissed off at and at the same time falling for him.

I get scared of the dark when I'm in nature if I don't have a flash light or anything. "Theo, you know I don't do well in the dark."

I can't even see him. So I try to move and I bang heads with him. Ouch that really hurt. "Sorry." I say.

Then I feel Theo touch my face and he sticks his fingers in my mouth by accident. "Theo that's my mouth." I say.

Theo chuckles. I stand up and try to see if there's anything we could use in the tent leftover. Nothing

So I try to sit back down but instead I trip on Theo. Then I try to feel my sleeping bag but instead I feel something else.

"Shai that's not the ground." Says Theo. I pull away, I just grabbed his dick by accident wonderful. I sit back and I kick Theo in the face by accident.

This is not working.

"Sorry, I should maybe just stay outside." I say. I feel Theo grab my wrist. "No stay." He says.

I smile. Even through the dark I feel like I can seem him smiling back at me. "See there is nothing to be afraid of the dark because you have me to protect you."

"That's so cheesy Theo."

"Is not."

"Okay sure."

"Cmon Shai you know you love me."

I'm about to turn around and he pulls me closer to him that I can feel him breathing in my face. He puts his arm around me. "Good to Sleep shai."

I smile and I feel him kiss my cheek. I don't know if that was real or not but I hope it was real. I finally feel Theo move his hand and he touches my ass.

"Theo that's my ass."

"Sorry I meant to touch your back."

"Sure you did."

"Well you have a big booty."

"Goodnight Theo."

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I really liked how this chapter turned out. I have a feeling some Sheo things are going to happen soon 😏. Anyways school is starting for me in like 4/3 weeks.

So once school starts, like when I get homework and tests. Will probably be the fourth week of school maybe. I will make my chapters longer bc I won't be able to update as often.

So you guys can get more updates with more in it then when I update now their short but I update often.


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