10 》A real Date?

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I have finally gotten the chance to update this! So sorry for the long way I am Seriously so sorry.

I honestly am, but anyways this story was on hold but now I'm back. But this will be ending soon, due to time consuming because of school. I just don't know when.

I feel the sun shining on my face, with warmth. I flutter my eyes open, and I feel a cool breeze coming through the window. I see Theo laying on his stomach, I can hear him breathing heavy.

I turn my body over so I'm facing him and I cup the side of his face with my hand. He stirs a bit and opens his eyes. He smiles at me. "Good Morning." I softly sing.

"Morning love," he whispers. He rolls over so he is on his back. He pulls me gently against him, so that my leg is over his waist. I can see through his eyes that they're filled with love and passion.

He kisses my hairline gently. I'm so glad he chose me over Ruth. I don't mean it to sound like I'm a bitch or something. I just want him to be with the right person.

To love him for who he is, and show him that I care about him. And that I won't treat him like shit.

"Theo?" I ask. He pulls away from kissing me. "Hmm?" He asks.

"Did you ever have feelings for me? I mean like before this went down?" I ask while pinching the cloth of his shirt. Theo sighs at me. "Yes I did."

I stare at him in shock. So if he did why did he lie to me that he didn't? Even when Ruth wasn't around he still lied? I'm so confused.

"Oh." Is all I can say. Theo pulls me on top of him. I decide to straddle his waist. "You know what, that was the past. What matters now is that we're together right?" He says.

I slowly nod at him. Of course he's right, that's what matters that were together now.

He slowly fits a kiss to my lips. Then he pulls away; smiling at me. "I wanna take you out tonight."

"Like on a date?" I ask. Theo lets out a small laugh and slowly nods at me.

"Okay. To where?" I ask while laying my chin on his chest. He runs his hair through my blonde bob. "You'll just have to see. It's a surprise." He winks.

I just hate surprises

Theo said that I should dress nice tonight. He said we were going to some fancy restaurant. He said they also have this in Paris, but someone from there brought it over into Atlanta Georgia for Americans.

I decided to pick out something blue for tonight. The dress is a shorter dress, but not too short. The dress is navy lace at the top and it expands out into a bright blue skirt attacked to it. I also picked a navy high heels, even though I don't like wearing shoes, I decided to make myself look pretty.

I also picked a navy clutch to go with it. I decided to put a small waterfall braid on the right side of my head.

I hear a knock coming from my apartment door. I grab my clutch and I put it onto my shoulder. I open the door and I find Theo standing there with this hands in his pockets.

He is wearing a black dress shirt, black jeans and some dress shoes. He smiles at me and looks at me from top to bottom.

"You look gorgeous Shai, breathtaking." He says. "You don't look to bad for yourself Theo." I smile.

He lets out a laugh and opens his arms for me. "Cmon, you don't wanna be late."

We finally reach the restaurant. I can tell it rained earlier because the ground is damp. Theo holds my hand and we walk across the street to the restaurant.

The restaurant reads Le Meurice. Sounds like French to me. We stand in a line to place in our reservation. Finally once it's our turn, Theo places in our name.

The host grabs a couple menus out from under the desk. We walk over to a table with two seats.

Theo pulls out the chair for me so I can sit down. Then he walks over to the other side and sits down.

"I'm glad you let me take you out on a date Shai." Theo says.

I am too.

I take a bite out of my meal. I decided to get some wine along with my meal. But it's a wine they make in France.

We decided to sit outside, like most restaurants are in Paris. There is a candle lit in the middle of the table to create a mood. Theo reaches for my hand and clasps it.

"Look Shai, I'm sorry for all the things I've done to you in the past. When I was dating Ruth, and I was such an asshole to you."

Why is he talking about this now? I thought we already talked about this. I thought we made up? Why is he acting like this.

"I never want to hurt you like that again. I realized I was hurting someone, who I truly loved so much. I love you."

I feel I'm blushing. This is the second time he said he loved me and this time I think he truly meant it.

"I love you too Theo."

I really do.

After dinner, we decided to go back to our apartments. Theo has his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

We finally reach my apartment and I go into my clutch to get my key out. Once I finally get my key out, I unlock the door.

I turn around smiling at Theo. "I had a really good time tonight." I say. He doesn't say anything, he just fits his mouth to mine.

We kiss slowly for a couple minutes. Finally we pull apart and Theo just looks into my eyes. "I did too."

"I'll see you tomorrow." I say. He smiles at me and he walks back to his apartment.

I love him.

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