Part 11 》My Everything

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"You may not realize it now, but I have loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you."

Shailene POV:

The past couple weeks has been great. Theo and I, have been so happy since we're both together. We're haft way done filming Allegiant Part one.

Robert asked me and Theo to meet at a cafe today somewhere in Atlanta. I don't know what the cafe's name is but Theo does so he will direct us. Robert, and our producers Douglas Wick, Evan Daughterly and Pouya Shahbazian to talk about some important things.

I hope this "important things" are good things. I don't want anything bad to happen and mess up the franchise. I would hate to see the fans be heartbroken.

I slip into my flip flops and I brush my hair. I see Theo walk out of the bathroom pulling the hem of his shirt down. "You ready to go love?" He softly asks.

"Yea." I reply.

We walk into the cafe and we see Douglas wave at us at a table in the back corner letting us know where they are.

I sit down next to Theo at the table. There is a lot of papers on the table, so this has to mean something very important.

"Good Morning Shai and Theo." Says Robert. I smile at him, "Morning." I reply back.

"So, are you guys getting any coffee or should we get right to the point?" Pouya asks. I motion toward Theo, he nods at me. He knows what coffee I like to drink.

Theo gets up from the table and walks over to the line. I talk with Robert and the rest of the producers about random things for a couple of minutes.

Once Theo comes back to the table he hands me my coffee. "Thanks." I say. Theo smiles at me, we haven't decided if we wanted to let our movie crew know or even the media know that we're dating yet.

"So, anyways lets get back to the subject on why I wanted to invite you guys here this morning." Says Robert. I take a sip of my coffee and then I swallow the hot substance.

Douglas stacks his papers. "So we have been thinking instead of doing Allegiant part one and part two. We have been thinking if we should walk away from that and do Allegiant and Ascendant." Says Douglas.

What? Are we adding a completely new storyline for the last movie? Me and Theo just look at each other like they're crazy.

"So changing the whole story? If that's what your saying?" I ask. Robert lets out a short laugh and shakes his head no. "No no, we're just changing the name, it's still the same story."

I feel like a weight was lifted off my chest. "Oh okay, so what are you going to do?" I ask. Robert looks at the producers.

"Well, we are going to do it but we just wanted to inform you about it first." Says Pouya.

"We wanted it to be different then just doing part one and part two." I agree with them, it's different and I kind of like it as long they don't change the story.

"What about Tris dying have you guys discussed that yet?" I ask. "We haven't yet, were deciding on whenever or if Tris should die like in the book or make Four and Tris have kids." Says Douglas.

I honestly don't know what I want to happen at the end. I mean With Tris dying it's a very powerful, ending but also I think she deserves a happy ending with Tobias.

"We still need to check with Veronica if we wanted to change the ending." Says Pouya.

Whatever works, I'll be okay with it.


The whole way home, Theo didn't say a word to me nor to anyone. Is he upset about this? Is this bothering him?

Or was it something else.

What is wrong with him? Once we got into my apartment, Theo didn't say a word. He just sat there upset.

I sit down next to him, resting a hand onto his back. "Theo." I whisper. He doesn't answer, all he does is frown down at the floor.

"Theo, what's wrong? Talk to me." I softly say. He just sighs at me and shakes his head. "Theo please." I say.

"Please talk to me." I say. Then all of a sudden he does something completely unexpected. "Would you please shut the fuck up for a minute." He snaps.

I back away, offended. "What the hell is your problem!" I yell. He sees the hurt in my eyes. I get up from the couch but then he hold onto my wrist.

"Baby, I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap on you. I'm sorry for yelling. I didn't mean it. I really didn't." He softly says. I sit down next to him.

"Then what's wrong?" I ask. Theo rubs his hand over his face. "I just don't want to lose you. I really don't." He says.

"Theo, you want lose me. What are you talking about?" I ask. He cups my face in his hands and he looks into my eyes.

"Not now. But after the franchise is over, we will move on to new projects and I don't want to lose you. It's just all coming so quickly and-"  I cut him off. "Theo you aren't going to lose me, why would you think you would?"

"Because we will go our different ways and I can't afford losing you." He softly says.

"You won't lose me, I promise you that." I say.

"You may not realize it now, but I have loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you." Theo softly says.

"Your my everything Theo, I love you."

And I know he loves me too.


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It'll next time xoxo.

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