Chapter One- No!

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Jaseys aka Bunny POV

"Bunny! Get up bunny!" Zach shakes me.
Zach is one of the workers here but he's also an orphan . He's like an older brother to me. He's 15 years old.
"Common bunny you gotta get up!" He says.
I sit straight outta bed and yawn.
"Good- mornin." I say yawning.
"Good-morning bunny. But you have to get up! People are coming to adopt!" He says.
"Are their mean men?" I ask.
"I don't know who they are. Their could be just one mummy or just one daddy or one mummy and a daddy. Or maybe even two daddies or mummies. I don't know. But we have to get you ready okay?" He asks.
I nod and he picks me up and spins me around the room. I giggle as he sets me down on the ground and I wobble.
"Okay let's get you dressed." He says grabbing my hand.
He pulls out socks and underwear. Then goes to the top self and pulls down a pair of jeans with a plain white tee shirt.
"Sorry bunny. It looks like the girls got up and took the skirts and dress shirts first." He says looking down at me.
I just fake a smile so he thinks I'm okay. But now I know I'm not going to get adopted. All the girl clothes are gone!
He hands them over to me. "Okay go get dressed now bunny and I'll go get you some food." He says walking away.
I climb up the stairs and in to the bathroom. I pull off my PJ shirt and shorts and toss them down the laundry shoot. I put my legs through the pants and buckle them. I place on the white tee shirt and tug it down. I look at my self in the mirror.
I didn't like my outfit today. I sighed and walked out and down the stairs to my room.
Once I get in my room there's a note with two pieces of toast and a side of vegiemight. The note just said 'Enjoy Love Zach.' Whatever that means. I place the note in my back pocket and spread the vegiemight on my toast.
As I was just about to take a bite out of my toast I heard the intercom come on.
"All 4-6 year olds please come down stairs." Said the lady.
I sighed and decided to just stay up in my room so I should eat my breaky.
(A-n I have no clue what you guys call it. Sorry!)
As I take a bite out of the first piece I hear the door crack open.
"Bunny what are you doing? Don't you wanna be adopted?" Its Zach.
"No! I don't want to because I don't know if it's going to be mean men." I say taking another bite out of my toast.
"Common. At least check?" Zach asks.
I nod and pick up my other piece of toast and put my hands up. Indication that I wanted Zach to pick me up.
He laughs and comes over to pick me up. Once he does we head down stairs. Down there their are about 7 girls lined up. I look over at the front door as I hear it start to open. There enters 4 looking men. I scream and wiggle out of Zach grip. I drop my toast and run up the stairs leaving Zach and the 4 mean startled. I get into my room slam my door and I crawl under my bed.
I stay there for about 10 minutes before I think the coast is clear. I crawl out from under my bed and that's when I realize I had to pee. I sighed and tried to think of a way. I finally thought of a way to not run into anyone. I press my ear on the door and listen. I hear voices talking down stairs which mean there in the first level. My bedrooms on the second level and the bathrooms on the third. I open my door lightly and start to run up around the corner to the stairs where I bumped into someone that sent me flying onto my butt. I landed with a thud.
"Ouch!" I yelped out.
I looked up at the person I ran into. It was a man. One of the mean ones with blue hair. I start to scream to the top of my lungs as tears ran down my face. I started to shake. Before I realized it I was in someone's arms being rocked back in forth. I didn't know who's arms it was but they felt safe so I accepted them.
I hid my face in there chest as I heard them whisper nice things into my ear.
"Hi darling. Its going to be okay. Were not here to hurt anyone. Just breath. Its okay." They kept repeating.
I finally stopped screaming and crying but I was still shaking. I pull away from the person and look up at them. He has blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Hi princess my names Luke. I promise your alright. My friends and I aren't here to hurt anyone we promise it okay. Just breath. Your okay. Okay?" He speaks softly.
I nod my head. Finally I stop shaking.
"Like I said before princess none of us are going to hurt you. Now tell us about your self." He says.
I can feel the vibration from his chest as he talks. I take a deep breath and look up to see what he means by us. And sure enough there are 4 pairs of eyes including Lukes that staring at me. I gasp and hide my face back into his chest.
"Shhhhh. Its okay." He says rubbing my back.
"I-Im Jasey. J-Jasey Marie. I don't have a-a last name. But my n-nickname is B-Bunny. I'm f-four years old." I say studdering from crying a lot.
"Jasey Marie. That's a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl." One of the men say.
"Thank you." I say.
"Well like I said before. I'm Luke. These are my friends." He says pointing to the other 3 boys.
"Hi I'm Ashton. I'm 21 years old." The one with curly brown hair says.
"Hi I'm Calum. I'm 19 years old." Say the one with the bird tattoo.
"And hi. I'm Michael I'm also 19." Says the one with the blue hair I bumped into earlier.
"And all together we are. 5 seconds of summer." They all say together.

(A/N- Awwwww Lucifer helping calm down Jasey! Anyways comment what you think! Love all you beautiful people!

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