Chapter 5- Strong.

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Jaseys POV
Its been one week. 7 days since the big tragic that had struck the 5sos household.
Mikey still no where to be found. We have called the cops and everything. He's gone. No where. I miss him a lot. I know I shouldn't like him cause he yelled at me in my face but I know he was just very sad.
Luke hasn't been taking care of me. Its me in my own. I do everything for my self now. But I understand its a big loss for him.
Calum has been out to bars. Whatever that is. But he always comes back with a girl and he goes in his bedroom and they both scream. I always wonder what he fights about with the different girl.
Ashton. Well is not Ashton. He's not his happy self. Now he has red marks that cover up his arms and dark bags under his eyes. One day I walked in on him crying wishing he could be dead. But I held him being the 5 year old I am. I love my family even in the worst times.
"Jasey?" Luke asks.
I snap out of my thinking trace "Yes Luke?" I ask.

Luke's POV
After a week I realized that we need to get over our self's and be there for Jasey. Yes its a huge loss and will always haunt our family. But we need to be there for Jasey.
"Jasey?" I ask.
"Yes Luke?" She said.
She didn't call me dad. I'm not dad anymore. What? I'm not dad.
"Oh uhm. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to get Ash and Cal and we could go out for ice cream or something?" I ask.
"Really?!" She asks with a big smile in her face.
"Yup now run along and go get them!" I say smiling back at her.

Jasey POV
I smiled at Luke again and ran up the stairs into Uncle Cals room.
"Uncle Cal?" I ask.
I look at Calum and he looks a lot better?
"What princess?" He asks smiling at me.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"Of course. And I want to thank you. I want to thank you for staying strong for all of us. It means a lot Jasey. But now its our turn to take care of you and be strong for you when you need us. I love you Jasey." He says.
I just smile and run up and hug him
"I'm happy to have my Uncle Cal back." I say.
"And I'm happy to be back for you Jasey. Now what did you need?" He asks smiling.
"Luke wants to go get ice cream. Wanna come?" I ask.
"Uhh! Of course! I love ice cream!!" He shouts and starts tickling me.
"Hahahaha lemme go uncle Cal! I gotta go see if uncle Ash wants to go!" I say giggling.
He laughs and places me down.
"I'll be right down." He says.
I run out of the room and I knock on Ashton's knowing he likes privacy.
"Come in!" He says.
I push the door open.
"Hi uncle Ashy." I say.
"Hi beautiful. What's up?" He asks covering up his arms with bracelets
"Well two things. Uncle Ashy. What are those marks?" I ask pointing to his arms.
"Cause I don't remembering us having a kitty." I say.
"Well come here and I'll tell you." He says opening his arms.
I run in to his arms and sit on his lap.
"Okay Jasey. These marks. There battle wounds. We all have a big enemy in this world. And what some people may not know is that. You. Yourself is your biggest enemy. So when yourself is you biggest enemy. You know how you may want to hurt or do something to your biggest enemy?" He asks me.
I just nod my head yes.
"Well that's what I did. I wanted to hurt my biggest enemy. And I did so. But I hurt myself. Because like I said before what people don't notice is that you. Yourself is your biggest enemy." He says finishing with a few tears that fell from his eyes.
I just simply wiped them away and said,
"Well uncle Ashy. Don't be your own enemy. Be the one that loves your self as much as I love you." I say reaching down and taking his arm I to my hand.
"Love your self as much as Lukey loves you. Love yourself as much as Cal loves you. Love your self as much as Mikey loves you. Love your self as much as your mummy will always love you. Then right there. You won't be your biggest enemy. You'll love yourself as much as you should. I love you Uncle Ashy." I say kissing his 'battle wounds' then his cheek.
"Not as much as I love you." He says crying some more and hugging me.
"Okay. Now what did you need?" He asks giggling and wiping his tears away.
"That's the giggle for uncle Ashy I like to hear! Oh and do you wanna get ice cream with Luke, Cal and me?" I ask.
"Of course beautiful I'll be right down. And you know Luke loves you and is still you dad. Dont call him Luke. I know he likes knowing he's dad. So call him dad since he is the one that adopted you." He says kissing my cheek as I hop down from his lap and run down the stairs.
"Luke!" I shout walking down the stairs.

Luke's POV
"Luke!" I hear Jasey shout from the stairs.
"Yup?" I ask.
She starts running over to me and hugs right on to my leg, "I missed you daddy." She says.
I smile and pick her up.
"I missed you to Jasey. I love you so much." I say.
"I love you to. But daddy. Where's Uncle Mikey?" I ask.
"Well princess. That's hard to say. No one knows where he is. Trust me we all miss him." I say.
"I miss him daddy. I miss uncle Mikey." She says looking on the ground.
"Well I'm sure you didn't miss him as much as I missed you guys." I hear someone from behind us.

Jaseys POV
I really miss uncle Mikey I really hope he's okay. I miss him tons.
"I miss him daddy. I miss uncle Mikey." I say looking at the ground.
"Well I'm sure you didn't miss him as much as I missed you guys." I hear someone say.
I look up. "Mikey!!!" I scream as Luke puts me down and I run up to him.
He crouches down with open arms.
"Hi princess. I'm so sorry for leaving. I promise it will never happen again. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm sorry for telling you we shouldn't of adopted you. I'm sorry for everything. I love you Jasey. Your my little niece. Please forgive me." He says.
"Of course." I say smiling.
"SHE FORGIVES ME!" He shouts smiling and spinning me around.
I hear to pairs of footsteps run down the stairs.
"MIKEY!" I hear Cal and Ash yell at the same time.
"Its him in the flesh." He says smirking.
Next thing you know we have two other boys running towards up and joining mine and Mikey's group hug.
But where's daddy?
"Daddy?" I ask from inside the group hug.
"What?" He asks.
"Get in this group hug or else." I say giggling.
"Or else what?" He chuckles.
"No cuddles for a month." I threaten.
Next thing you know I feel another set of arms as we all start laughing. Its good to have my family back. All of it. But that wouldn't last for long........

(A/N- YAY!! EVERYONES BACK TO NORMAL!!! Okay anyways comment what you think and vote! Sorry I haven't edit this chapter! Love all you beautiful people

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