Chapter Ten- Surprise!

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####NOT EDITED #####
Luke's POV.
I got a knock on my door.
"Come in." I said.
It was Calum.
"Hey is the pizza here?" I ask.
"No. But I have to talk to you boys so please come down stairs and sit in the living room." He said.
"Calum this better be good." I said getting off my bed and walking to the living to see Mikey and Ash already down there.
"What do you need Calum?" We all asked.
"Well its sorta more like what you need." He replied
"What do you mean?" Mikey asked.
"Well you all have been so down cause of uhhh. Our princess." He starts to say.
"Dont fucken talk about her!" I say through gritted teeth.
"No Luke listen. So as we all know two years-" He started to say but I cut him off.
I close my mouth and listen to Calum.
"Now! Before you had interrupted me I was going to say I found something that everyone may like to know. I found...." He starts to say.

Jasey POV.
"I found....." I heard uncle Calum start to say.
I walked out from the kitchen and took uncle cals hand.

Luke's POV
"I found...." Calum starts to say until we hear tiny foot steps walk into the living room. And there she stood.
There stood my princess. My princess that I had lost for two years. Right in front of me.
"JASEY!" I scream and stand up.
I run up to her and pick her up.
"Hi daddy!" She says giggling as I pick her up.
"Your home! Omg your home! My princess is home! I'm never letting you go." I say picking her up and hugging her.
"Dont then. I love you." She says hugging me around my neck.
"JASEY! OMG YOUR BACK!" Mikey and Ashton finally say snapping into that she really is there.
I pass her to them.
"Hi uncle Mikey. I'm back now. So now we can eat a lot of pizza together!" I say smiling and hugging him. I wiped his tears as he past me off to uncle Ashton.
"Hi Uncle Ashy! I'm back!! How are you doing with loving youself?" I ask.
"I'm doing good princess. 11 months!" He says smiling.
"Good job uncle ashy! I know I left 2 years ago but you've been clean for 1 year! I love you a lot!" I says wiping his tears.
"Okay here's daddy again." He said passing me to daddy.
I hugged him around his neck again.
"Thank you Calum so much. You brought our little princess home. I couldn't of asked for anything better. This is the best gift ever." Daddy says hugging Uncle Cal.
"No problem bro. We needed her home." He says smiling and pinching Jaseys cheek.
"Omg! We have to tell the fans! Tweet about a broad cast in 10 mins!" I say still holding Jasey.
***after broad cast. Cause I'm to lazy to write it***
Jaseys pov
"Okay its 8:30 now! I think we should watch a movie?" Uncle Cal says.
"Finding Nemo!" Uncle Mikey and I yell at same time.
"Finding Nemo it is." Daddy says.
Uncle Ashy puts in the movie. He sits down on the floor with a few pillows. Uncle Cal sits next to him and Uncle Mikey, Daddy and I sit on the couch.
About half way through the movie I started feeling tired until there was a loud knock at the door.
I shot up and ran up the stairs to hide.

Luke's POV.
We were watching finding nemo until there was aloud knock at the door. Jasey shot straight up and ran up the stairs leaving us boys in shock.
"Dont worry about it Luke. She's just scared its been two years. Shes going to be skiddish for a little while. But I'll get the door." Calum says getting up and getting the door.
"I'm going to go find her." I say standing up and walking up stairs to find Jasey.

Jaseys POV
I heard footsteps get closer to the room I was in. I don't know who's room I was in but I was under the bed. I hear the door start to open. Someone starts to speak.
"Jasey? Princess? Its daddy I promise I'm not going to hurt you." Luke says.
I started to feel my nose itch from the dust under the bed. And of course I had to sneeze.
"Baby I know your in here. Please come out?" He says sitting on the floor criss cross.
I start to climb out and once I'm completely out I stand up in front of him. Then I don't know what came over me. I just threw my self into his arms. And then the stupid tears had to come.
"Its okay princess. I got you and I promise I will not allow anything to happen. You'll never get out of my sight again. Daddy's got you. Daddy's got you." He says rubbing my back as I sob into his neck.
"Please." I squeak out.
"Please what Jasey?" He asks.
"Never leave me again. I don't want to be lost with a mean man again. Please never let me get taken again. I love you daddy." I say still sobbing into his neck.
"Yes princess. I pro.use you I will never let you go anywhere again. Your with us for good. No matter how much you may hate us when you get older we will always love you." He says pulling away and sitting me on his lap.
"I could never hate you or Uncles. I love you guys to much." I says.
He just laughs and wipes my tears.
"Let's get to bed. And next time don't hide under Uncle Mikes bed. I feel like a moldy pizza would get you." He says chuckling and picking me up.
"That's probably what smelling and dusty under there." I say laughing and wrapping my arms around his neck as we head down the stairs.

Love all you beautiful people

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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